11:03, 23/03/2019

Precise prediction for natural disaster mitigation

The 2019 World Meteorological Day (23 March) is themed "The Sun, the Earth and the Weather"...


The 2019 World Meteorological Day (23 March) is themed “The Sun, the Earth and the Weather”.
M.A Vo Anh Kiet, Director of Southern & Central Regional Hydrometeorological Station says the theme the Sun, the Earth and the Weather highlights the role of the Sun in delivering the energy that powers all life on Earth, thus raising public awareness of protecting health and saving livelihood; minimizing the impact of the sun on the climate change, and utilizing the renewable solar power as a valuable tool for climate change mitigation while meeting today's energy needs in daily life safely.
The meteorological and hydrographic industry in Khanh Hoa has much improved with modern machinery for monitoring, measurement, communications, telegraphy and meteorological forecasting. The online weather discussion system has been connected to all provinces and cities nationwide. The data from meteorological and hydrographic stations have been synchronized and digital forecasting technology has been applied in all provincial, regional and central stations. Many advanced forecasting models in the Europe, the U.S.A, and Germany have been applied, enabling specific forecasts for communes and towns. The meteorological and hydrological forecasting capacity in the locality has improved, giving timely warning of storms, tropical depression, downpours, flooding, cold spells, etc.
Together with the development of the hydrometeorological sector, the Hydrometeorological Southern & Central Regional Hydrometeorological Station has continued taking various measures with priority given to technological solutions, investing in equipment and technology and improving infrastructures, improving organization, enhance professional development to raise labor quality, master technology and effectively use technology and equipment.
In 2019, the weather in the province is forecasted to have hot season expected to appear soon. Storms are likely to come later than the average. There are risks of severe weather such as thunderstorms, lightning, cyclones, hail, especially in April, May and August and September throughout the province. 
From mid March to May, there is likely little rain and rainfall shortage compared to the average for many years. From June to August, the total rainfall is approximately the same as the average for many years. The river water level in the province from the end March to the mid May will change slowly downward; from May to June, small floods are likely to appear on rivers. The river flow from March to May is about 65-80% lower than the average for many years with the risk of drought and water shortage, especially in mountainous areas. From June to August, the river flow is 50-70% lower than the average, on some rivers there is the possibility of the lowest water level recorded in the monitoring data. The dry season in 2019 is likely to last until August or September with the high risk of drought, water shortage, forest fire and saline intrusion in estuaries in the province.
Translated by N.T