04:04, 27/04/2019

Anti-theft app for smart phones created by ninth-grader

An anti-theft software named Stollen Detection created by Trang Si Thai, a ninth-grader at Thai Nguyen Junior High School, Nha Trang City has been released in Google Play Store...

An anti-theft software named Stollen Detection created by Trang Si Thai, a ninth-grader at Thai Nguyen Junior High School, Nha Trang City has been released in Google Play Store, receiving positive reviews from local and foreign users.
The student says smart phones have become an inseparable part of our everyday life. The app helps protect our smart phone from being stolen. Other available anti-theft apps still have some limitations with the security features easily being disabled. Therefore, he has come up with the idea to create an app with additional features, more convenient and with higher security. 


Trang Si Thai introduces his software.
Trang Si Thai’s creation has advanced to the National Scientific & Technical Contest 2018-2019. The student, his teachers and friends have experienced the application when installed in their smart phones. Loud alert sound at the highest volume is turned on to help the owner the track the phone easily when it slips out of a pockets or is taken away from a pocket or a certain place. 
"He always asks us to give ideas for his product during his research. I find this app so convenient as it can protect our phone from being stolen," says Bui Nhat Ha, his classmate.
The project has impressive with new application in the Artificial Intelligence known as A.I. with its convenient features helping to notify owners quickly about their smart phones and prevent them from being stolen. AI identifies the position, owners and autoset the features without being touched by the owners. In case the phone is taken away, the app will send a notification to another phone about the information, including the location of the stolen phone, every 2 minutes to help the owner track his stolen device.
The app has got 4.8-star rating with thousands of reviews from users at home and abroad. Positive reviews include “A helpful app is created by a Vietnamese person. So great.”, “The app is good. It can protect my phone from being stolen” and “The app is nice, helpful and easy to use.” Another advantage of this software is that when identifying the phone owner, the system will suspend the security mode to maximize the phone performance and save battery.
Teacher Bui Thuc Thien, Thai Nguyen Junior High School says, “The project has been highly valued for its finger print and face ID recognition together with anti-theft notification sent to the second device. Trang Si Thai is interested in scientific research and trying to make more improvement to the product. He has a long pathway ahead to conquer new challenge.
The software Stollen Detection for smart phones is the only project at junior high school level among the 6 others chosen by Khanh Hoa Province to advance to the National Scientific & Technical Contest, school year 2018- 2019. The project won the 4th prize. I hope Trang Si Thai will follow his great passion for information technology, continue his research and create new technological products packed with convenient and practical features.”
Translated by N.T