11:05, 27/05/2019

40 grants offered to needy workers

Dien Khanh Labor Federation has just offered 40 grants totaling VND20 million to Trade Union members and workers in need in response to the Workers' Month 2019...

Dien Khanh Labor Federation has just offered 40 grants totaling VND20 million to Trade Union members and workers in need in response to the Workers’ Month 2019.
Earlier, the District Labor Confederation had examined the quality of shift meals at 3 enterprises, including T&H Nha Trang Company (120 staff), Rang Dong Paper Company (60 staff) and Quang Quan Nha Trang (35 staff) and found that the companies had increased their meal support to over VND15,000/person/day, basically meeting laborers’ nutritional demand.
Translated by N.T