08:05, 25/05/2019

Clean Your Hands campaign 2019 launched

Khanh Hoa Tuberculosis & Lung Diseases Hospital launched the Clean Your Hands campaign 2019 themed "Clean care for all – it's in your hands"...

Khanh Hoa Tuberculosis & Lung Diseases Hospital launched the Clean Your Hands campaign 2019 themed “Clean care for all – it's in your hands” on May 24.
At the launching ceremony, all the staff of Khanh Hoa Tuberculosis & Lung Diseases Hospital learnt about the importance of medical care, rate of hospital-acquired infections nationwide, proper hand washing steps, etc.
Following the ceremony were 5 teams performing 6 proper hand washing steps as guided by the World Health Organization. Besides, representatives of the hospitals signed a pledge on proper hand hygiene practice.

Performing 6 proper hand washing steps.


The Clean Your Hands campaign is committed to improving hand hygiene practice during medical treatment and care; minimize hospital-acquired infections, contributing to raising the quality of health care and treatment.
Translated by N.T