08:05, 22/05/2019

Ensuring safe summer for kids

Accidental drowning risk increases as the summer vacation approaches. Therefore, joint effort of localities, departments and families is needed to protect children from possible drowning hazards...

Accidental drowning risk increases as the summer vacation approaches. Therefore, joint effort of localities, departments and families is needed to protect children from possible drowning hazards.
32 cases of drowning have occurred, killing 31 children since 2017, according to a survey done by Khanh Hoa Department of Labor, Ward Invalids & Social Affairs. In order to minimize drowning during summer, for several years, the sector of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs has frequently cooperated with localities and agencies in drowning prevention propaganda and training. Recently, on May 14-16, Khanh Hoa Department of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs in cooperation with some schools in Khanh Son, Dien Khanh and Nha Trang City opened classes on child protection and drowning prevention. Besides, the department has also enhanced propaganda to raise public awareness and responsibilities of local agencies, organizations and individuals for child drowning prevention.


Accidental drowning risk often increases during summer vacations. 
“Adults’ close and constant supervision is essential when children are playing in or around water, especially in rainy seasons. Parents have been also advised to take their children to classes on swimming and water safety skills. Drowning prevention knowledge and skills have been propagandized,” says Vo Binh Tan, Vice-Director of Khanh Hoa Department of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs.
Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training has just had a document to require local agencies and schools to cooperate closely with families in child care and education to prevent drowning and water-related injuries. The department has requested schools to teach students about water dangers to prevent their access to dirty waters, dangerous ponds, rivers, creeks, streams, waterfalls and other water hazards. Furthermore, the department has suggested local authorities put up warning signs and barriers in deep and dangerous waters.
“We have requested schools and other agencies to cooperate with localities to check high-risk areas to prevent drowning among children in summer and rainy seasons; cooperate with the Youth Union, and Children’s Houses of districts and towns to assure safe and sound summer vacations for students. Localities have also focused on water safety for children,” says Le Dinh Thuan, Vice-Director of Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training.
Besides water safety classes, the district has also paid home visits to propagandize drowning prevention, advising parents not to let their children play in and around dangerous places with “no swimming” signs. However, there are not any swimming pools for swim lessons in the mountainous area, so in summer, children still go swimming in streams, creeks and rivers, according to Nguyen Van Nhuan, Chairman of Khanh Son District People’s Committee.
Reportedly, recently, Khanh Son District People’s Committee has cooperated with some enterprises to build inflatable swimming pools at the District Center of Culture, Information & Sports. The Department of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs has also continued giving guidelines in keeping schools, homes and communities safe to prevent drowning accidents and injuries among children. The joint effort of families and all the community is expected to help assure a safe and happy summer vacation.
Thanh Truc 
Translated by N.T