03:05, 30/05/2019

Inspiring creativity

The 8th Khanh Hoa Scientific & Technical Creation Contest for teenagers open for nearly 1 year has just been closed, receiving many creative ideas and products...

The 8th Khanh Hoa Scientific & Technical Creation Contest for teenagers open for nearly one year has just been closed, receiving many creative ideas and products. The contest has inspired creativity and scientific passion among students in Khanh Hoa.
Khanh Hoa Scientific & Technical Creation Contest was first held in 2005 with 23 entries and since then, more than 1,800 entries have been sent to the event, providing good chances for students to show their creative insights with unique solutions to everyday problems and innovative products.


Pupils are excited to learn about products of the contest.
This time, the contest received 440 products from 156 primary and high schools, up 140 products compared with the plan. 14 out of 68 prize-winning products were chosen to advance to the national round.
According to Bui Mau, Khanh Hoa Union of Science & Technology Associations (KUSTA) Chairman, Head of the contest organizing board, all the entries have shown students’ creativity and initiatives. They have applied what they have learnt into reality. The entries varied considerably from school items, softwares, environmentally friendly products, environmental protection solutions, climate change mitigation to economic development. Most products were household utensils and children’s toys, accounting for 51%. The students used materials available and recycled things to create amazing products.
A good example included an electric saw made by Luong Tieu Ngoc from Tran Quoc Tuan Junior High School, Ninh Hoa Town. A broken sewing machine was turned into an electric saw for cutting thin wood at home. Others were Shoes for the visually-impaired by Dinh Dieu Phuc and Nguyen Ngoc Nha Uyen, Hoang Hoa Tham High School, Dien Khanh District; a timer for electrical home appliances by Nguyen Thai Hoa, Nguyen Binh Khiem High School, Van Ninh District.
This year’s most entries are environmental products, 125, accounting for 28%. The students have applied their scientific and technological knowledge into reality to create environmentally friendly products. Specifically, a litmus paper made from Bougainvillea by Nguyen Thuc Doan Trang and Duong Chi Cao from Tran Phu Junior High School, Cam Ranh City. “After successful research in November 2018, we introduced our products and my teachers were satisfied with it. I hope my product will be used widely, helping to inspire creativity among others,” says Duong Chi Cao. “A solar-operated drying cabinet made from wood and cans of beer” by Mau Thi Khanh from Cam Thinh Tay Junior High School, Cam Ranh City. Used cans of beer are connected to each other to make a long tube painted black to absorb the sunlight efficiently for heating produces.
According to the contest organizing board, besides achievements, there remained some limitations and difficulties related to propaganda and number of entries. In order to improve the size and quality of the contest, continued cooperation among local departments and communities is encouraged in disseminating the contest. Localities are needed to actively direct related branches to organize district-level rounds and promptly honor excellent participants with awards as intrinsic motivation.
Nguyen Dac Tai, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee says the contest has been held for many times, providing a platform for students to show scientific and technical passion, spirit of innovation and ingenuity. This time, no first prize was awarded. Communities with the most entries include Khanh Vinh and Ninh Hoa. Nha Trang City and Cam Lam District had limited products. Therefore, more concern and support from local departments and schools are required to boost academic performance as well as inspire and honor scientific and technical creativity through turning ideas and initiatives into practical products and models, boosting scientific and technological application in production and daily life.
Khanh Ha
Translated by N.T