04:07, 23/07/2019

Scientific experience for kids

The Seeds of Hope Group, including science lovers in Nha Trang City, has just held a course on scientific experience for nearly 30 students aged 6-15...

The Seeds of Hope Group, including science lovers in Nha Trang City, has just held a course on scientific experience for nearly 30 students aged 6-15. The program drew the participation of lecturers and teachers from Hanoi National University of Education, Nha Trang University and Vo Van Ky Junior High School.

The event was in a series of summer activities, including scientific experiments (making natural scented candles, soaps and sprayers), happy cook – food science (happy breakfast, bubble milk tea, gummy bears); and natural discovery (tree planting, natural scents and colors, making detergents from Sapindus saponaria). All the students experienced scientific practice and made product presentations.


Magic hand experiment.

Translated by N.T