12:07, 12/07/2019

To Giang River Embankment project, 2nd phase, underway

To assure safety for local residents and dozens of hectares of rice, To Giang River Embankment, 2nd phase, is being built in Van Ninh District...

To assure safety for local residents and dozens of hectares of rice, To Giang River Embankment, 2nd phase, is being built in Van Ninh District with a total capital of VND8 billion thanks to funding support of Khanh Hoa Province.
Over the past years, local residents near To Giang River have seen their houses submerged and more than 30ha of rice damaged in rainy and stormy seasons. To Giang River is in an important geological location as it provides freshwater supply for dozens of hectares of paddy fields on both banks, according to residents in Hai Trieu Village, Van Long Commune, Van Ninh District. 


Part of To Giang River Embankment work is completed.
However, whenever rainy and stormy seasons come, water level rise causes landslide and inundates crop lands. In addition, tide-induced seawater intrusion causes significant misery for farmers.
The leader of Van Long Commune says to assure safety for local residents and their crops, every year, the locality extracts some VND100 million to reinforce the river banks. However, this is just a temporary solution. Thanks to the concern of the province and district, the construction of the embankment will help protect the daily life as well as facilitate the production development in the locality.
Reportedly, The 2 banks of To Giang River are more than 2,300m long. In 2018, from the provincial budget, Van Ninh District built a 390m northern embankment which was damaged with severe erosion and intense saltwater intrusion. Hai Trieu Dam has just been built and put into use.
To Giang River Embankment, 1st phase, has been completed and the 2nd phase is needed to be invested soon to protect the human life as well as production land. The 2nd phase includes an embankment from Hai Trieu Bridge to the estuary with a total length of nearly 650m. The total capital of approximately VND8 billion, including VND5 billion funded by the provincial budget and the remaining from the district budget. The embankment from Hai Trieu Bridge to the estuary is expected to ease flooding problems, create landscape as well as facilitate agricultural produce transportation.
The project has been being developed since March with more than 60% of work completed. Tide observation is important to accelerate the construction work when the tide falls. The project is scheduled to finish in September, says Huynh Ngoc Liem, Director of Van Ninh Management Board of Construction Projects.
Thanh Nam
Translated by N.T