10:08, 15/08/2019

Security camera model proves effective

Security camera installation in the campaign "All people protect national security" has proved an effective security self-management model...

Security camera installation in the campaign “All people protect national security” has proved an effective security self-management model.
In June 2016, Phuong Sai was the first ward to implement a security camera model. Since then, there have been 46 security camera models in Khanh Hoa Province. In Nha Trang City alone, 14 security camera models have been applied so far in localities, agencies, businesses, especially in industrial zones.
Senior Lieutenant Colonel Phan Hoang Van, Vice-Chief of Nha Trang City Public Security says only 1 guard on duty in a shift is still able to put a large area under surveillance and check for any security breaches throughout the facility with the responsibilities to identify and store all records. Cameras have helped catch criminals in the act, helping fighting and preventing crime and social evils. 


Security Camera  Information C enter at Suoi Dau Industrial Zone.
The security camera system has helped improve local order and security. A report about the security camera model after 1 year of implementation (from May 2018-2019) in Loc Though Ward, Nha Trang City, shows that video clips from cameras are valuable resources for investigation, helping spot the suspected of robberies, including muggings and snatch thefts; illegal drug use, fighting, etc. Besides, footages also detect road traffic rule offenses and provide valuable piece of evidence in accident investigation.
According to a report from June 2018-2019, security cameras in Van Gia Town, Van Ninh District have helped capture robberies, handle cases of traffic accidents, put fighting on pause and slash violence.
The security camera model has proved effective. Therefore, it is widely applied in wards and communes throughout the province. The surveillance camera databases have assisted police in the city in general and wards and communes in particular in their enquiries to catch criminals and fight crime, confirms Senior Lieutenant Colonel Phan Hoang Van.
Normally, the installation of 30 security cameras costs VND500-600 million contributed by local residents, businesses and benefactors. To mobilize funding for the security camera system, the Party Committees, local authorities, leaders of agencies and businesses are to clearly and widely announce the model plan and cost. Local residents and enterprises are willing to contribute to the model when recognizing the effectiveness of the camera maintenance.
Minh Cuong
Translated by N.T