10:06, 15/06/2020

Connecting members through practical activities

Khanh Hoa Newspaper Journalists' Association branch has fulfilled its assigned tasks over the past years under Khanh Hoa Newspaper Party Committee and Editorial Board's leadership and direction, contributing to the development of the newspaper in the new situation...

Khanh Hoa Newspaper Journalists’ Association branch has fulfilled its assigned tasks over the past years under Khanh Hoa Newspaper Party Committee and Editorial Board’s leadership and direction, contributing to the development of the newspaper in the new situation.
Improving professional quality
Khanh Hoa Newspaper Journalists’ Association branch currently has 42 members, well-trained, enthusiastic and creative, constantly improving their professional skills and maintaining journalistic ethics. One of the main tasks focused by the association branch is how to keep the newspaper appealing with good layout and content, deserving the role as an information channel and the voice of Khanh Hoa Party Committee and people. Therefore, the editorial board and association branch always maintained weekly professional meetings considered as an important activity for the review of issues in terms of writing styles, contents, layout, etc, providing chances for its members and reporters to exchange experience to prevent errors and promote strengths; made propaganda plans for each issue to assure quick and accurate reporting of news and events in the province, closely following propaganda direction. The professional meetings are also an opportunity for its members and reporters to discuss potential topics and work collaboration.


1Khanh Hoa Newspaper  editorial board gives gifts to patients at Khanh Hoa General Hospital.
At the meeting, the editorial board and association branch regularly motivate their members and reporters by promptly commending and rewarding high-quality works; encouraging staff to overcome challenges at work and successfully fulfill assignments. Besides, members and reporters constantly acquire knowledge  and skills on how to present news online, make high quality video clips to enrich the Internet TV column on Khanh Hoa online in order to attract more viewers.
Khanh Hoa Newspaper Journalists' Association branch has several articles winning provincial and national press prizes for many consecutive years. To maintain the achievement, the editorial branch has always focused on professional development with suggestions on topical issues, especially in the fight against the evil and destructive acts such as deforestation, sand mining, etc and topics about good deeds and paradigms. The association branch has also regularly organized seminars to improve writing towards national press prizes which are considered not only a noble award but also an opportunity to improve the reputation of the newspaper and the locality, inspiring journalists to greater efforts to confirm their position and develop passion for their career with more dedication to the society.
Remarkably, the Prize A "Excellent reportage on environment, climate change, natural disaster prevention 2018" was awarded to a 2-part reportage "Threats from mountain projects" by Dinh Lam and Van Ky. The topic was directed by the editorial board, and then guided by the association branch and the professional department to make an outline with 2 parts and list major points with accurate supporting ideas and arguments. In order to win national press prizes, the branch always creates favorable conditions for its members and reporters to find new writing topics; make specific and clear outlines for their ideas supported by persuasive arguments. Their works are required to include social criticism and opinions from many sides with clear public orientation. One of the principles that members and reporters of Khanh Hoa Newspaper follow when reporting news is "fast, right, precise, accurate and effective". The association branch has also sent its members and reporters to attend training courses on how to get chances of winning the Bua Liem Vang (Golden Hammer & Sickle) Press Awards, made plans for members and reporters to have entries to the award in the coming time, etc.
Eager for charity work
In addition to professional improvement, the branch also regularly organizes and maintains voluntary and social charity activities. Members and reporters themselves have well performed the role of connecting businesses to Khanh Hoa Newspaper in charity work.
Over the past 5 years, the association branch has mobilized and sought for donation to build 7 houses for poor households in Suoi Cat Commune, Cam Lam District. In each school year, the newspaper donates dozens of scholarships and books to poor students in remote areas; encouraged readers to join effort to help the unfortunate, etc. Since the beginning of 2020, the branch has mobilized sponsors to donate 25 tons of rice to disadvantaged communes and wards to help the poor to overcome difficulties due to COVID-19. Most recently, the association branch has donated 15 computers worth over VND90 million to A. Yersin Secondary School in Suoi Cat Commune. In addition, the association has also cooperated with businesses to donate dozens of touchless hand washing machines and disinfectant worth more than VND250 million to schools in Nha Trang City. 
Furthermore, journalists and members for several years have voluntarily deducted part of their royalties to Khanh Hoa Newspaper Charity Fund which has gone to the construction of houses for the poor and assistance for many members who are sick, in difficult circumstances, etc. The contribution has showed that members and reporters of Khanh Hoa Newspaper not only show their professional competence but also take good responsibility for the community, contributing to improving the reputation of Khanh Hoa Newspaper as well as building and developing the association branch.
In the coming time, thanks to favorable conditions provided by the editorial board, the branch will continue focusing on improving its members and reporters’ professional capacities and ethics; encouraging them to have high-quality articles; contributing to the development of Khanh Hoa Newspaper, meeting the demand of the Industry 4.0 era, winning and maintaining readers’ respect and trust. 
Le Hang 
Translated by N.T