04:06, 14/06/2020

"One million glasses of milk" program expanded

The "One million glasses of milk" program held by Youth Union and Young Pioneer Organizations is under way, providing mutual support and cordiality to help needy students in Khanh Hoa...

The "One million glasses of milk" program held by Youth Union and Young Pioneer Organizations is under way, providing mutual support and cordiality to help needy students in Khanh Hoa.
Khanh Hoa Youth Union and Comrade Association have just offered 2,400 cartons of milk (glasses of milk) to pupils of Khanh Nam Primary School, Khanh Vinh District; 10 bikes, 1 water filter machine, 1 automatic hand sanitizer dispenser, etc to the school and students. Principal Nguyen Van Si says the school has 190 pupils, mostly ethnic minority children living in hardship. The gifts from the Youth Union and other sponsors have helped encouraged students and teachers to overcome challenges.


Earlier in Khanh Son District, Khanh Hoa Youth Union and Comrade Association had offered Thanh Son Primary and Junior High School 2,000 glasses of milk and 200 bottles of tonic to disadvantaged children, 500kg of rice to 20 pupils, 10 bikes to 10 students in severe need; donated 1 water filter machine, COVID-19 prevention and control equipment to the school. Besides, water filter machines, automatic hand sanitizer dispensers, 2 cans of disinfectant, 20 bottles of hand sanitizer, 50 bars of soap and 250 glasses of milk totaling VND130 million were given to junior high schools in Ba Cum Bac, To Hap, Son Binh and Son Lam.
Launched in early June by the Central Youth Union and Comrade Association, the "One million glasses of milk" program has expanded across Khanh Hoa Province through detachments’ mutual support. Accordingly, Khanh Hoa Comrade Association has urged its detachments to give assistance, providing milk and improving nutrition for needy students in remote and disadvantaged communities in the province.
Luong Le Thanh Van, Secretary of Dien Khanh District Youth Union, Chairperson of Comrade Association says 33 school detachments in the district have responded  to the program, mobilizing their members to donate more than 8,000 glasses of milk to the needy. Dien Khanh District Comrade Association has sought donations to give 800 glasses of milk to students of Suoi Tien Primary School and Dien Tan Primary & Junior High School. 1,000 glasses of milk were offered to Khanh Hiep 1 Primary School detachment, Khanh Vinh District on June 10.
The program has also been developed by district-level Comrade Association in other communities. Cao Nho Tri, Secretary of Cam Ranh City Youth Union says Cam Ranh City Youth Union has mobilized detachments and Youth Union at ward and commune levels to provide support for the disadvantaged. Cam Ranh City Youth Union has also mobilized milk and other gifts to help Khanh Son and Khanh Vinh.
The "One million glasses of milk" program has expanded across Khanh Hoa Province, offering more than 12,000 glasses of milk and improving nutrition for disadvantaged children. In addition, Khanh Hoa Youth Union has sought donations from other sponsors to offer bikes, water filter machines and hand sanitizer dispensers to schools. The total cost of the program is over VND270 million. In response to the Action Month for Children, Khanh Hoa Youth Union will continue implementing the program on Diep Son Island, in Van Ninh District and Ninh Van Commune, Ninh Hoa Town in June, bringing meaningful gifts to children in need, says Bui Hoai Nam, secretary of Khanh Hoa Youth Union.
Vinh Thanh
Translated by N.T