10:08, 17/08/2020

Sharing workers' burdens

Khanh Hoa Trade Union has mobilized resources to help workers struggling financially due to COVID-19 pandemic as well as provide housing assistance to the needy...

Khanh Hoa Trade Union has mobilized resources to help workers struggling financially due to COVID-19 pandemic as well as provide housing assistance to the needy.
Sharing burdens 
Khanh Hoa Labor Confederation has just donated more than VND366 million to 732 workers experiencing layoffs or pay cut due to the unprecedented impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. Accordingly, each person received VND500,000 from the Trade Union Fund thanks to Trade Union officials’ 3-day pay contribution.


A representative of  Khanh Hoa Labor Confederation gives financial aid to Trade Unions in support of needy workers.
Nguyen Hoa, Chairman of Khanh Hoa Labor Confederation says in spite of the Government’s financial assistance package for enterprises and workers, many other people, especially pregnant women, seriously ill workers, those taking care of babies and elderly parents living in hardship. Therefore, the Labor Confederation has sought more funding to help ease financial difficulties. 
According to the leader of Khanh Hoa Labor Confederation, many enterprises in Khanh Hoa are facing great challenges due to COVID-19, thus adversely affecting their employees’ life.
276 enterprises and nearly 25,000 workers impacted by the pandemic have been reported. More than 6,200 are out of work, 10,000 are temporarily laid off and 3,300 are working in turns. The Provincial Labor Confederation offered 1,000 gifts worth VND500,000 each to needy workers in May. Contribution to Trade Union fees has been postponed at enterprises suffering from damages due to COVID-19. Besides, the Trade Union at all levels has also organized activities to donate rice to workers and assist Trade Union members who are preschool teachers at private nursery schools.
Housing support for employees
Together with the support for Trade Union members and workers, Khanh Hoa Trade Union has also spent over VND1 billion to build and repair 26 houses for the needy. Cao Vinh, a guard at Khanh Vinh Commune Primary School, Khanh Vinh District earns under VND3 million/ month, difficult to make ends meet for  his family with 6 members, including 4 children's schooling. Therefore, for nearly 20 years, they had to live in a cottage. The house is his family’s dream for years. He is so grateful for the house construction aid of the provincial Trade Union. 
Similarly, Teacher Le Ton Nu Nhu Y, Xuan Son Nursery School, Van Ninh District has used her salary, over VND4 million, to cover expenses for the whole family with her 9-year-old child and elderly mother. Her dream of an own house has come true thanks to VD50 million support of the Trade Union together with free building materials from her neighbors. “I have my own house to live in. It is really great encouragement for us to work and bring up my child,” she said.
Bui Thanh Binh, Vice-Chairman of the Provincial Labor Confederation says in order to ensure members and employees stay settled, Khanh Hoa Trade Union has implemented the Trade Union Housing program and received positive response from its members and employees throughout the province. In order to promote the practical significance of the program, the provincial Trade Union has actively directed and guided the Trade Union at all levels to raise and seek funds; conduct regular surveys for providing housing support in accordance with the regulations on the fund management, use and operation. In the coming time, the provincial Trade Union will continue maintaining and expanding the program to improve its members and employees’ living standards and ensure more stay settled in their own homes.
Van Giang 
Translated by N.T