08:10, 29/10/2020

Establishment of water source protection corridor landmarks completed

Nha Trang City has basically completed the establishment of water source protection corridor landmarks...

Nha Trang City has basically completed the establishment of water source protection corridor landmarks, becoming the first locality to finish the task in Khanh Hoa Province.
Over 200 water source protection corridor landmarks set up
The last water source protection corridor landmarks are being installed over Cai River in Nha Trang City. Nguyen Van Cho, a representative of an execution unit of the water source protection corridor landmarks in the 4 communes of Vinh Trung, Vinh Phuong, Vinh Thanh and Vinh Ngoc said the work has gone smoothly. Over 200 water source protection corridor landmarks have been set up so far. 
Under Decision 3052 (October 16, 2017) by the Provincial People's Committee on approving the list of water sources for corridor protection in the province, Nha Trang City has 2 sections: Cai River 6 (partly in Dien Khanh) and Cai River 7, with a total of 223 landmarks, including 31 landmarks in Vinh Trung, 59 landmarks in Vinh Phuong, 44 landmarks in Vinh Thanh and 89 landmarks in Vinh Ngoc. The length of the landmark is from Cai River bordering Dien Phu Commune, Dien Khanh District to the railway bridge in Vinh Ngoc Commune, Nha Trang City. It is quite convenient to set up the landmarks as most of them are located in residents’ gardens, according to Nguyen Minh Nhut, a Design Chief, Central Construction Planning & Design Joint Stock Company.


Landmark set up in Vinh Phuong Commune.
According to Nha Trang City Division of Natural Resources & Environment, an investor assigned by Nha Trang City, during the implementation, relevant agencies and communes where the project goes through have made great effort in propaganda and reached consensus of local residents.
The first locality to complete the project
Reportedly, the establishment and management of water source protection corridors are the main basis for local authorities’ management under the Decree No. 43 dated May 6, 2015 defining the establishment and management of water source protection corridors and prohibited acts that threaten to cause or cause the decrease of the function of water source protection corridors; cause river bank slide, or seriously affect or threaten the stability and safety of rivers; encroach upon, illegally use land within water source protection corridors; using land at variance with approved land use purposes; construct or expand contagious disease hospitals or clinics, cemeteries, waste dumping sites, toxic chemical factories, and production or processing facilities with hazardous wastewater.
Nha Trang City has given direction to relevant agencies and localities on project preparation consultancy, propaganda, funding allocation and acceleration of the project progress to set up water source protection corridors over Cai River, which is the largest river providing water supply for hundreds of thousands of residents in Nha Trang City.
The project has neared completion and it is expected to finish this October. Based on the plan, Nha Trang City has completed the work ahead of schedule for the period 2018 – 2022, becoming the first locality in Khanh Hoa to complete the work. The landmark establishment is done within 60 days and then the investor will examine and hand the landmarks over to localities for management and protection as regulated, according to Nguyen Chi Danh, Chief of Nha Trang City Division of Natural Resources & Environment.
Translated by N.T