12:12, 27/12/2020

Voluntary Saturday launched

Brigade 957 Youth Union, Navy Region 4 launched voluntary Saturday on December 26 with the participation of cadres and Youth Union members...

Brigade 957 Youth Union, Navy Region 4 held a ceremony to launch voluntary Saturday on December 26 with the participation of cadres and Youth Union members.
After the ceremony, cadres and Youth Union members joined clean-up, plastic waste collection, plant care and trimming, etc. More than 400kg of trash, including over 200kg of plastics, was collected.


Launching  voluntary Saturday.
The activity was to continue responding to the campaign against plastic waste 2020 among Navy youth; propagandizing and inspiring everyone to change habits of using disposable plastic products in an effort to reduce environmental pollution to protect health and keep the natural settings green, clean and beautiful.


1Collecting plastic waste.
Translated by N.T