04:02, 02/02/2021

Covid-19 prevention and control measures taken in new situation

A meeting discussing measures against Covid-19 in the new situation presided over by Dinh Van Thieu, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee...

A meeting discussing measures against Covid-19 in the new situation presided over by Dinh Van Thieu, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee was held with the Steering Board for Epidemic Prevention & Control on January 29.
Medical declaration requirement and testing machine investment proposed
According to Bui Xuan Minh, Director of Khanh Hoa Department of Health, no F1 or F2 case of confirmed patients in Quang Ninh and Hai Duong has been reported in Khanh Hoa. However, the province is still at high risk due to Nha Trang City as a tourist city and frequent travel among cities and provinces. Therefore, leaders of the Department of Health requested to suspend cultural and sporting activities and festivals with large gatherings within at least 10 days until further notice. Wearing masks is obligatory in public places.  
Nguyen Viet Dinh, Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Public Security said Khanh Hoa Public Security has sent contact tracers door-to-door to track spread of virus, cooperated with the medical sector to take pandemic prevention and control measures. Severe punishment is given to illegal immigrants or those facilitating illegal entry into Khanh Hoa Province.
Huynh Van Dong, Director of Khanh Hoa Center for Disease Control has issued documents to guide the Steering Boards for Epidemic Prevention & Control in the localities to trace people coming from epidemic areas. Those coming back from epidemic areas have been instructed by the center to self-isolate at home under the local health agency’s supervision and have samples taken for testing. The list of people back from epidemic areas is updated by the center every hour. 
At the meeting, Huynh Van Dong proposed the Provincial People's Committee would request all immigrants to make medical declarations and all citizens to install Bluezone. Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control teams in the community are needed in every village and residential quarter.
A representative of Cam Ranh International Airport suggested airport staff that is in charge of serving people from abroad could be tested regularly as they are at high risk of Covid-19 infection. Airliners should require local passengers to complete health declaration which facilitates tracing contact for Covid-19, according to Nguyen Hoa Hoi, Director of the International Health Quarantine Center.
Khanh Hoa Province has not had much experience in tackling community transmission of Covid-19. Therefore, Khanh Hoa should prepare all the pandemic preparedness & contingency plans to deal with the unprecedented outbreak. Realtime PCR is needed to enhance testing capacity in Khanh Hoa, according to Do Thai Hung, Director of Pasteur Nha Trang Institute.
Pandemic prevention measures implemented
Concluding the working session, Dinh Van Thieu requested to activate the Covid-19 prevention and response system and implement measures against Covid-19 in the new situation under the Prime Minister’s Instructions 19 dated April 24, 2020. They include putting on pause unnecessary events and parties with large crowds; complying pandemic control guidance such as wearing masks, using hand sanitizers and keeping safe distance as regulated; ensuring medical monitoring; avoiding gatherings of more than 30 outside workplaces, schools and hospitals; and staying at least 1m apart from others. Local departments, agencies, organizations, People’s Committees and relevant units are required to propagandize locals to follow pandemic prevention and control guidelines; make medical declaration when leaving and arriving in high risk areas claimed by the Ministry of Health, install Bluezone app on smart phones and not to be outside of homes except when necessary.
All passengers are required to wear face masks and have temperature checks. State agencies must make sure hand sanitizers available for use and require all individuals entering offices to wear face masks. The use of technology to minimize person-to-person contact is encouraged. Local authorities are required to tighten the management of activities at markets, supermarkets, trade centers, bars, pubs, karaoke rooms, discotheques, coach stations, train stations, ports and other public places. Penalties will be given to failure to comply with mandated anti-coronavirus mask wearing.
Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa People’s Committee has required the Department of Health to continue closely monitoring the epidemic situation to promptly provide the Provincial People's Committee with consultancy on appropriate response scenarios; coordinate with local authorities to speed up tracing of cases coming from epidemic areas; require medical facilities to strictly ensure Covid-19 epidemic screening, prevention and control, absolutely preventing cross-transmission.
Translated by N.T