07:05, 20/05/2021

Widespread propaganda for upcoming election day

The propaganda for the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils for the 2021-2026 term in Khanh Hoa has met the scheduled progress...

The propaganda for the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils for the 2021-2026 term in Khanh Hoa has met the scheduled progress, following the plans of the Provincial Standing Party Committee and the Propaganda Subcommittee of the Provincial People's Committee. The extensive propaganda has been in various forms, contributing to raising cadres, Party members and residents’ awareness of the purposes, meanings and importance of the election to assure the general election day on May 23 is really a big festival for the entire population, said Ho Van Mung, Alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Member of Khanh Hoa Provincial Standing Committee, Head of Provincial Department of Propaganda & Training, Head of the Propaganda Subcommittee of the Provincial People's Committee.
The propaganda for the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils for the 2021-2026 term has run widely in various forms, including oral and visual communication, via mass media and competitions. The Provincial Party Committee’s Commission of Propaganda & Training has held a conference of Provincial Party Committee’s rapporteurs, with the Department of Home Affairs providing some specialized information about the highlights of the election and propaganda for the election in the province. Some units such as Khanh Hoa Women’s Union, Provincial Youth Union, Provincial Ethnic Minorities’ Board, localities and agencies have organized several oral and online training sessions on the election.
Propaganda on mass media has run on the Internet, social media and via 2 news agencies, namely Khanh Hoa Newspaper and Khanh Hoa Radio & Television, publishing and broadcasting hundreds of articles and documents related to the election to keep cadres, Party members and local residents informed of updates about the election and Covid-19 prevention and control. In addition, local authorizes have also enhanced the propaganda for the election on district and commune radio broadcasts.
Visual propaganda in Khanh Hoa has been well implemented, creating highlights, festive atmosphere and attracting attention of cadres, Party members and locals from all backgrounds to the general election day. Khanh Hoa Department of Culture & Sports has hung 10 sets of big banners and 20 blocks of 4-sided banners at 2-4 Square, Nha Trang City; 170 light boxes, 300 colored flags, 400 national flags, Party flags and 400 posters along main roads in Nha Trang City, etc.
Khanh Hoa Department of Information & Communications has printed out and distributed 30,000 leaflets about the election. Banners with the slogan marking the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils for the 2021-2026 term are hung at all State agencies, schools, military premises and businesses for 15 days before the election day.
In addition, the propaganda via competitions about the election has been well implemented. The propaganda for the early election on Spratly Islands has been focused, contributing to the success of the early election at some polling stations in Truong Sa District on May 16.
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, to assure the success of the election day, the Provincial Party Committee’s Commission of Propaganda & Training and the Propaganda Subcommittee of the Provincial People's Committee have required local State agencies, localities and provincial news agencies to continue implementing the propaganda for the election following  the plans of the Provincial Standing Party Committee and the Propaganda Subcommittee of the Provincial People's Committee. Accordingly, the propaganda is mainly on such mass media as Khanh Hoa Newspaper, Khanh Hoa Radio & Television, magazines, newsletters, websites and social networks.
Moreover, there has been visual propaganda via posters, banners and public e-newsletters, LED screens, etc. Besides, loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts are scheduled on May 17-23 to heighten awareness of the cadres, Party members, public servants, Youth Union members, laborers and all other voters in the province of the election and compliance with the Covid-19 prevention and control guidance.
Before the election day, the Provincial Party Committee’s Commission of Propaganda & Training will conduct inspection over visual propaganda in localities; collect voters’ expectations and aspirations. Khanh Hoa Department of Information & Communications will strictly manage the information and communications, news and publications about the election; cooperate with local authorities to monitor and apply fines and penalties for  those disseminating fake news in an attempt to prevent misinformation about the election on the Internet, etc.
On the election day (May 23), Khanh Hoa Newspaper and Khanh Hoa Radio & Television will focus on the propaganda to keep informed of updates about the festive atmosphere of the general election event. The election on Spratly Islands, Truong Sa Town on May 23 will be televised live on Vietnam Television to all viewers nationwide.
After the election day, the propaganda will focus on the election results. The Propaganda Subcommittee of the Provincial People's Committee will hold a press conference to announce the election results and organize activities to mark the election success nationwide and in the province, according to Ho Van Mung.
Translated by N.T