SE3/SE4 trains departing from Hanoi/Saigon Stations will be suspended from July 10 to July 23. Only 1 pair of North-South trains remains operational from July 10. ..
SE3/SE4 trains departing from Hanoi/Saigon Stations will be suspended from July 10 to July 23. Only 1 pair of North-South trains remains operational from July 10. No passenger pick-up and drop-off will be allowed at Saigon Station.
Passengers with tickets on trains suspended have to contact stations for refunds before the departure time. Reportedly, there are no passenger pick-ups at Di An Station and no passenger pick-ups or drop-offs at Tuy Hoa Station in an effort to curb the ongoing Covid-19 surge.
The move follows the social distancing order in Ho Chi Minh City under the Prime Minister’s Directive 16 within 15 days starting today on July 9.
Translated by N.T