10:08, 25/08/2021

Remote health check-up and counseling

90 doctors and nurses, both active and retired, have connected to found the so-called Compassionate Doctors' Group, dedicated to enhancing health care amid the on-going Covid-19 pandemic...

90 doctors and nurses, both active and retired, have connected to found the so-called Compassionate Doctors’ Group, dedicated to enhancing health care amid the on-going Covid-19 pandemic.
Mobilizing all resources
Since the Covid-19 outbreak, the Provincial Steering Committee for Human Disease Prevention and Control has called medical staff, including retired ones, to support the pandemic response in medical care. These are valuable resources with great experience and expertise.
The Compassionate Doctors’ Group has come into being in response to the call of the local departments and agencies and the mobilization of the Public Health Association to help residents with their medical care during  the Covid-19 outbreak with overloaded hospitals, social distancing restrictions and many locked-down areas, according to PhD. Dr. Truong Tan Minh, Chairman of the Public Health Association, Head of the Compassionate Doctors’ Group. 


The interface of Compassionate Doctors’ Group website.



Reportedly, the group consists of 90 doctors, nurses and medical technicians currently working at public and private clinics and hospitals and retired staff together with 40 volunteers. The group provides information and knowledge about health and diseases; remote medical check-up free of charge and especially counseling about Covid-19 prevention and control.
More health care channel
MA, Dr. Dinh Thi Hoan, former Director of Khanh Hoa Psychiatrics Hospital is the first member of the group. She is in charge of providing consultancy about mental diseases daily. She receives 7-8 phone calls/ day on average asking about insomnia, depression, fear or anxiety before and after getting vaccinated against Covid-19.
Dr. Nguyen Van Xang, a former Director of Khanh Hoa General Hospital is not only eager to join the group but also willing to mobilize many other doctors to join the charity work. According to Dr. Nguyen Van Xang, the group gives prescriptions for some minor health conditions or asks patients to go to hospital for treatment when needed. 
Nguyen Thi My Linh, Phuoc Long Ward, Nha Trang City, said, “My mom is old with many health problems. Therefore, I am very worried when she is in the list of people eligible to be vaccinated in the ward. After receiving information and advice about care for the elderly after vaccination from the Compassionate Doctors’ Group, I feel safe and secure.”
“After nearly a week of operation, the group has received many calls from residents and patients asking for advice related to numerous diseases, including Covid-19 treatment and prevention. We will continue improving our service to give better care to residents and patients,” said Dr. Truong Tan Minh.
To access the Compassionate Doctors’ Group, please visit https://cc.quickom.com/call/84611628587595027 or scan the QR code. You will get connected to specialized doctors for specific problems. In addition, people can also directly call doctors in the group's list posted on the Facebook of Dr. Truong Tan Minh or Minh Tan Truong or go to the Facebooks of the doctors to get advice. The consultation time is 8:00 am to 10:00 pm daily.
Translated by N.T