10:11, 14/11/2021

10,200 vaccine shots given on November 14

10,200 shots of COVID-19 vaccines were given in Khanh Hoa Province on November 14, putting the total administered shots in Khanh Hoa at 1,722,107, including 938,235 first and 862,822 second doses, according to Khanh Hoa Provincial Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.

10,200 shots of COVID-19 vaccines were given in Khanh Hoa Province on November 14, putting the total administered shots in Khanh Hoa at 1,722,107, including 938,235 first and 862,822 second doses, according to Khanh Hoa Provincial Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.
Taking sample for COVID-19 testing in Nha Trang City
Taking sample for COVID-19 testing in Nha Trang City
158 new cases were recorded in Khanh Hoa Province on November 14, including 47 in Nha Trang City, 15 in Ninh Hoa Town, 11 in Van Ninh District, 10 in Cam Lam District, 55 in Dien Khanh District, 13 in Cam Ranh City, and 7 in Khanh Vinh District.
33 more COVID-19 patients recovered in the province on Novermber 14, taking the tally to 9,026, accounting for over 86% of the infections.
Translated by H.N