08:11, 04/11/2021

22,169 vaccine doses administered on November 4

22,169 doses of Covid-19 vaccines were administered in Khanh Hoa on November 4, bringing the total doses to 1,593,947. 929,883 people have taken one dose; 736,288 has got second dose, according to Khanh Hoa Provincial Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.

22,169 doses of Covid-19 vaccines were administered in Khanh Hoa on November 4, bringing the total doses to 1,593,947. 929,883 people have taken one dose; 736,288 has got second dose, according to Khanh Hoa Provincial Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.


Khanh Hoa Center for Disease Control (CDC Khanh Hoa) on November 4 reported 42 new cases of Covid-19 in the province, including 3 in Nha Trang City, 11 in Ninh Hoa Town, 5 inVan Ninh District, 3 in Cam Lam District, and 20 in  Cam Ranh City. 
On the same day, CDC Khanh Hoa also reported 46 more recovered from COVID-19 in Khanh Hoa Province, taking the tally to 8,794, accounting for nearly 95% of the infections.
Translated by H.N