10:06, 29/06/2022

Child sponsorship program "Sponsor moms and children get-together"

A child sponsorship program themed "Sponsor moms and children get-together" for 50 pupils in need and orphaned by Covid-19 was organized...

A child sponsorship program themed “Sponsor moms and children get-together” for 50 pupils in need and orphaned by the Covid-19 was organized by Khanh Hoa Provincial Women’s Union at Dep To Ong Farmstay located in Dien Dien Commune, Dien Khanh District, Khanh Hoa Province on the Vietnamese Family Day (June 28).
Emotional moments 
The event showed the Provincial Women’s Union officials and sponsors' love and care for their sponsored kids. Tran Anh Thu, 10C7, Tran Cao Van High School, Ninh Hoa Town sang a song about dad to express her grief over her his sudden death. The song moved a lot of people into tears. “My dad has just died from stroke. When I sang this song, memories of my father kept coming back. Although my father has gone away and my mother cannot be here with me today, I still feel happy because I can get much love and care with support from the Union officials and sponsors over the past time,” she said. 


Nguyen Quynh Nga,  Chairperson of Provincial Women's Union  rewards good students.
At the exchange event, Nguyen Phan Nhat Tuyet, Dien Khanh District couldn’t hold back her tears when talking about her dad. “My dad died when I was at grade 7, leaving my mom and I behind. Since then, all the family burden has been on my mom. One year after his death, my mom fell ill seriously with blurred vision. Every day, when finishing my study, I spend time helping my mom with her small shop and chores. I love her very much and will try my best to learn well to be able to get a good job  later to take better care of my mom.” The child has just passed the entrance exam to Hoang Hoa Tham High School.
Bond of family love tightened
According to Nguyen Quynh Nga, Chairperson of Provincial Women's Union, there are 1,226 orphans, including 23 losing parents to Covid-19. The Provincial Women's Union al all levels has received donations totaling nearly VND1 billion from sponsors, individuals and organizations inside and outside Khanh Hoa Province; sponsoring and taking care of 23 kids orphaned by Covid-19.  Five people are sponsoring 16 children until reaching the age of 18 (VND300,000 – 2,000,000/ month). Besides, the Provincial Women's Union is sponsoring 336 orphans (VND200,000 – 1,000,000/ year).
According  to the leader of the Provincial Women's Union, the program was to enhance the propaganda and improve the family and child care tasks; and promote the cultural values of families on the occasion of Vietnamese Family Day. The event served as a platform for children to meet and share difficulties in studies and life with the Union officials and sponsors.
"Busy with work every day, we visit the children we sponsor only once a month and rarely have time talking to them to understand their feelings more. I feel so moved and grateful for the Provincial Women's Union officials for organizing the program for us as sponsors to listen to and understand the feelings and interests of the children better," said Ngo Thi Thanh Binh, Vice-Chairperson of Dien Khanh District Women’s Union.
"This is the first time the provincial Women's Union has organized the child sponsorship program to help sponsors meet their sponsored children who are in difficult circumstances or orphaned by Covid-19. Hopefully, the activity not only brings warmth and happiness to the children but also builds enough resilience for them to overcome challenges, feel confident and move forward like other children" said Nguyen Hoang Van Ha, Vice-Chairperson of Provincial Women's Union.
“This program is meaningful, showing the sense of responsibility of Women's Union officials and members. To promote the effectiveness and sustainability of the sponsorship program for children orphaned due to Covid-19, the Women's Union at all levels will continue survey to ensure all children in need access appropriate assistance as well as boost the link with many organizations and individuals to further care and support for orphans for a brighter future,” added Nguyen Quynh Nga, Chairperson of Provincial Women's Union.
Translated by N.T