09:07, 18/07/2022

Gold Coast takes actions for green environment

Gold Coast Nha Trang held the program "Gold Coast takes actions for green environment" on July 16 with nearly 60 staff...

Gold Coast Nha Trang held the program “Gold Coast takes actions for green environment” on July 16 with nearly 60 staff. The event included such social activities as walk for the environment, flashmob dance and beach clean-up in order to promote environmental awareness among Gold Coast Nha Trang staff in particular and the community in general. From the specific acts, Gold Coast hoped to inspire the community to keep healthy living environment, especially the marine environment by promoting proper utilization of natural resources, developing environmental clean-up habits and limiting the use of disposable plastics for environmental sustainability.


Clean-up on Nha Trang Beach.
Reportedly, apart from the event, Gold Coast Nha Trang frequently responds to such environmental activities as the Earth Hour and Environmental Month and World Environment Day. The leader of Gold Coast Nha Trang hopes more enterprises in the province will join volunteering  environmental activities for the community’s sake.


Flashmob dance at 2-4 Square, Nha Trang City.
Translated by N.T