04:07, 21/07/2022

Knowledge quiz about history of Vietnam - Laos relations

Khanh Hoa Provincial Communist Party's Commission of Propaganda and Training has just issued a plan on the response to the 2022 knowledge quiz about history of the Vietnam - Laos special relations.

Khanh Hoa Provincial Communist Party’s Commission of Propaganda and Training has just issued a plan on the response to the 2022 knowledge quiz about history of the Vietnam - Laos special relations.
The online knowledge quiz is held from June 13 to September 5 with multiple choice questions available weekly on the Online Vietnam Communist Party Newspaper (dangcongsan.vn), social network VCNet and some other news agencies. The event is to mark the Vietnam – Laos Solidarity and Friendship Year 2022, the 60th foundation anniversary of diplomatic ties and the 45th year of the signing of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation Vietnam – Laos, Laos – Vietnam. This is also an opportunity to educate residents, especially younger generations about the special friendship and solidarity of the 2 countries and the 2 peoples.
The Commission of Propaganda and Training requested local agencies and departments to propagandize the quiz and urge everyone to participate in the competition. Online newspapers and portals were asked to have banners and create links to the online quiz on Online Vietnam Communist Party Newspaper  (vietlao.dangcongsan.vn).
Translated by N.T