11:07, 23/07/2022

Student Chie-Tech 2022

The Central Youth Union has issued a plan to organize the Student Chie-Tech 2022...

The Central Youth Union has issued a plan to organize the Student Chie-Tech 2022. The completion is open to students from universities, colleges and academies nationwide. Each team consists of 3-5 members from the same school.
The contestants are required to create devices to automatically use paper clips to hold A5 sheets according to specifications by the organizers. The application for the competition is from July 25 to August 25 and the rounds from July 25 to December 24. The final is scheduled to take place in Hanoi on December 24.
The Central Youth Union assigned its affiliations, Students’ Associations, universities, colleges and academies to implement the plan and propagandize the completion among students.
Translated by N.T