04:07, 12/07/2022

Support clubs for women with disabilities

Khanh Hoa Women's Union has founded 3 clubs for women with disabilities which organize several practical activities to facilitate the unfortunate to overcome challenges and integrate into the society...

Khanh Hoa Provincial Women’s Union has founded 3 sample clubs for women with disabilities which organize several practical activities to facilitate the unfortunate to overcome challenges and integrate into the society. 
More energetic to overcome adversity
Dien Phu Commune Disabled Women’s Club in Dien Khanh District launched and implemented by Vietnam Women’s Union in the commune in September 2020; and 2 clubs for disabled women implemented by the provincial Women’s Union in Cam Phu Ward, Cam Ranh City and Van Phuoc Commune, Van Ninh District since 2019 are the 3 sample models, helping physically handicapped women to develop their skills, gain confidence and actively seize opportunities in various fields to improve and enhance their material and spiritual life, according to the Board of Directors of the clubs.


Cam Phu Ward Club for Disabled Women supports livelihoods for women with disabilities.
Suffering leg impairment from a young age, Bui Thi Ngoc Lan, 43, in Dien Phu Commune was encouraged to join a club for disabled women in September 2019. The club members have helped her family by providing a chicken breeder worth VND2 million as livelihood. Joining the club, she felt the affection and mutual support among women with disabilities to overcome barriers in life.
Since taking part in the club for disabled women, Vo Thi Kim Hoan, 41, Cam Phu Ward has learned how to become energetic to overcome adversity. “I am with disability in my legs and arms since I was a child, and thus have mobility problems, so I felt shunned and feared because of the deformities and rarely talk to others. I mostly stayed at home. However, since joining the club and meeting people in the same situation, I have no longer felt lonely. I have become more confident to work to make a living and improve my living standard, "said Vo Thi Kim Hoan.
According to Nguyen Thi To Thin, Chairperson of Cam Phu Ward Women’s Union, at first, it was very difficult to encourage disabled women to join the clubs. Now, some of them have become active members in encouraging and persuading other women to get rid of the feelings of inferiority to get together with others in the same situation.
Connecting with people living with disability
Besides receiving material and spiritual support, members of the clubs also help each other learn how to make handicrafts, etc. to improve their income. In the coming time, along with loan support, the clubs will focus on vocational training so that women with disabilities can find suitable livelihoods. Le Thi Thao Vy, Chairperson of Dien Phu Commune Women's Union said: “Club members are provided training in management and operation skills of self-help group activities; and propaganda for policies of the Party and State specifically among people with disabilities. The support programs are designed to help women with disabilities to be more self-reliant in economic development, education, health care, gender equality and domestic violence prevention and control”.
The clubs for disabled women are to connect people with disability, provide a link for them to get together, learn and share experience in economic development to become successful, productive members of the society, giving them more dignity to get over challenges and integrate into the society.
Khanh Hoa Women’s Union will give guidance to the clubs to modify activities to adapt to new circumstances and people with special needs; focus on raising legal propaganda and support for the disabled; provide academic and vocational training to improve their knowledge; helping members to take part in job fairs to promote their integration into the labor market, according to Nguyen Hoang Van Ha, Vice-Chairperson of Khanh Hoa Women’s Union.
Translated by N.T