11:08, 31/08/2022

Focus on boosting labor markets

Over the past years, the local authorities at all levels has implemented various solutions to develop the labor market and improve the quality and efficiency of vocational training and job creation...

Over the past years, the local authorities at all levels has implemented various solutions to develop the labor market and improve the quality and efficiency of vocational training and job creation.
Boosting vocational training and job recommendation
To improve the labor resource quality, local authorities have focused on implementing vocational training policies. Vocational schools have much improved their training in a variety of sectors to meet learners’ needs. Many solutions have taken to improve training quality and job creation efficiency. 


Job fairs help connect job-seekers and employers in Dien Khanh District.
In addition, local departments, agencies and vocational schools have fully implemented policies to support vocational training, strengthen the coordination in recruitment propaganda. By the end of July 2022, as many as 18,153 people were recruited to vocational schools, reaching 61.54% of the plan, contributing to raising the rate of trained labor in the province by July to 81.6%, of which workers with certificates accounting for 27.18%. Moreover, vocational schools have also taken solutions to link training with practice at businesses, thereby, meeting the actual labor demand, especially in the industries of the provincial strength such as marine industry, tourism, services and high-tech agriculture; creating high-quality human resources for the 3 major economic development regions of the province. By July 2022, vocational schools signed cooperation agreements with 59 enterprises. Accordingly, the schools organized apprenticeship and traineeship at enterprises for 200 teachers and 3,167 students; provided professional development training for 3,011 employees at enterprises. Moreover, vocational schools also implemented policies to support vocational training for 304 workers affected by Covid-19 with a total funding assistance of more than VND1.3 billion.
The Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has focused on assessing labor demand and supply to promote connection between supply and demand, contributing to creating jobs for more than 6,300 people. In addition, Khanh Hoa Job Center has made job recommendation and  provided vocational consultancy; especially organized job fairs and trading sessions to connect job-seekers and businesses. By the beginning of August, the center has provided vocational counseling for 10,247 people; vocational training, career orientation for 7,478 people; and recommended jobs to 5,352 people, thereby, successfully connecting 1,373 people with jobs. Labor export, vocational consulting and recruitment have also been promoted. Up to now, 87 workers have been sent to work abroad in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, etc.
Comprehensive measures taken
According to Ta Hong Quang, Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs, in the coming time, the local sector of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs will focus on implementing measures to improve vocational training, especially looking to closely linking training with the labor market; increase scientific and technological application and transfer in training and job creation; boosting digital transformation; infrastructure modernization and teaching innovation; developing well-qualified teaching staff and experts. In 2022, the sector has strived to proved vocational training for 29,500 people, increasing the trained labor to 82%.
In addition, the sector of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs will try to closely match career orientation in vocational training with actual employment demand; provide vocational consultancy; vocational training and suitable job change support; regularly collect information and analyze labor markets to match labor supply and demand; promote overseas work propaganda, provide assistance for job-seekers, etc.
Furthermore, the sector will improve the quality of job fairs, promote link with job centers of all provinces and cities in the country to connect and attract labors, especially skilled workers to serve enterprises in major economic areas in the province; focus on building a database of job search; provide vocational counseling, career orientation and training for those getting unemployment benefits to help them get back to work soon.
Translated by N.T