09:09, 28/09/2022

Various activities for advancement of women

Khanh Hoa Provincial Board for the Advancement of Women has implemented several practical activities to support women from all backgrounds to overcome difficulties, pursue study, get jobs, build happy and prosperous families; enjoy equal opportunities...

Khanh Hoa Provincial Board for the Advancement of Women has implemented several practical activities to support women from all backgrounds to overcome difficulties, pursue study, get jobs, build happy and prosperous families; enjoy equal opportunities to reach their full potential and take part in all social sectors.

Over years, the Provincial Board for the Advancement of Women has focused on directing departments, agencies and organizations to organize activities towards gender equality, advancement of women and anti-family violence; supported the training, professional development and employment for women.


1Gender equality skill training conference


The goals for the advancement of women and gender equality are defined in annual socio-economic development plans of sectors and localities, such as improving life quality, promoting female human resources; raising intellectual level; prioritizing health care and education for girls and women; vocational training, job creation for women.

Thanks to the concern of commune women’s association, Nguyen Thi Thom and her husband named Hoang The Vuong, Ninh Tho Commune, Ninh Hoa Town have become enthusiastic members of Ninh Tho Commune Club of Happy Families. They have lifted themselves out of poverty through hard work with crops, husbandry of livestock and service, earning an income of over VND200 million/ year. They are leading a happy family life, sharing home chores and responsibilities to raise income, take care of children and join social activities.

As a member agency of the Provincial Board “For the Advancement of Women”, over years, Khanh Hoa Women’s Union has implemented numerous activities related to gender equality and advancement of women in the province; boosted assistance for disadvantaged women and orphans due to Covid-19 and other causes. The Union has received donations worth nearly VND1 billion for the child sponsorship program from individuals, agencies and organizations inside and outside Khanh Hoa Province. The Union affiliations have also cooperated with vocational training centers and agricultural promotion associations to provide sewing, cooking and mushroom cultivation techniques for 1,434  women; made job recommendation for 1,127 members and women, according to Nguyen Quynh Nga, Chairperson of Khanh Hoa Women’s Union.

Together with the Women's Union, every year, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs regularly cooperates with agencies and localities to propagandize on the Law on Marriage and Family; Law on Gender Equality; Law on child protection, care and education and so on.

Nguyen Thanh Son, Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs said that the department has carried out many propaganda sessions about Vietnamese Family Day (June 28); National Action Month on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control; Gender Equality and for the Advancement of Women; providing consultancy on organizing the seminar "Strengthening women’s participation in management and leadership" and meetings with provincial female leaders; organized training workshops to improve capacities and skills for gender equality and response to gender-based violence with the participation of 90 delegates who are officials from departments, agencies and sectors. In addition, the department has also organized visits and given more than 1,000 scholarships and gifts to disadvantaged women and children.

At a recent meeting with the Provincial Board for the Advancement of Women, Ha Thi Nga, Member of the Party Central Committee, President of the Vietnam Women's Union, Vice-Chairperson of the National Committee for the Advancement of Vietnamese Women highly appreciated achievements gained in the implementation of the National Strategy on Gender Equality for the period of 2021 - 2030 in the province. She suggested that in the coming time, the province should continue focusing on increasing women participating in leadership at all levels, improving the capacity of female cadres; integrating gender equality in the promulgation of legal documents; promoting propaganda to raise public awareness of gender equality.

Since the beginning of the year, Khanh Hoa has opened 2 specialist courses with the participation of 92 women, accounting for 53.2%; 2 chief specialist courses with the participation of 82 women, accounting for 46.1%; 1 division leadership course with 28 women, making up 33.73%. Besides, Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee has sent 7 officials, including 5 female leaders at departmental levels, accounting for 71.42% to high-ranking specialist courses.

Translated by N.T