11:10, 26/10/2022

Business start-up support for women

Khanh Hoa Women's Union has organized several practical activities to help women with business start-up and economic empowerment. Many women have start-up their business successfully, showing their abilities and gaining wealth...

Khanh Hoa Women’s Union has organized several practical activities to help women with business start-up and economic empowerment. Many women have start-up their business successfully, showing their abilities and gaining wealth.

Environment for exchanging experience

Cam Lam District Women’s Union has just held a fair “Women’s business Start-up, connecting OCOP products" 2022 with 53 booths introducing and selling OCOP products manufactured by women in the province. Participating in the fair with a handmade souvenir stall, Ngo Thi Trung (Cam Duc Town, Cam Lam) said, “Thanks to the support of the district Women's Union, I can join the fair and learn a lot about business. This is also an opportunity for me to promote product consumption locally and assess customers’ needs to improve my products”.



Many booths owned by women join the Women's Business Start-up Day Fair 2022 in Cam Lam District.

Ha Thi Hai Yen, a lecturer of Nha Trang University brought natural detergents and T&Y essential oils to the fair. “The event gives an opportunity for my natural and green products to reach users. I also would like to share my experience about environmentally friendly production and business with other women," she said.

According to Vo Thi Thu Oanh, Chairperson of Cam Lam District Women's Union, the fair is to recognize and honor women’s creative ideas and practical start-up products. This is an opportunity for members and women in the district to meet and share experience in production, management, branding promotion, contributing to affirming the role of women in economic empowerment and poverty eradication.

Opening more opportunities

Implementing the Project "Supporting women in business start-up in the period of 2017-2025" (Project 939), over the past 5 years, the Provincial Women's Unions at all levels has actively organized several activities such as the provincial contest "Business start-up ideas and products”; forum "Khanh Hoa women’s business start-up and creativity"; exchange program "Khanh Hoa women’s business start-up"; workshop "Promoting business start-up ideas and products". The Union at all levels has organized 115 business start-up training courses for 2,160 women members, developing networks and promoting trade; facilitating 415 members’ access to funding for business start-up.

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Head of the Women's Association Branch in Loc Tho Village, Van Long Commune (Van Ninh District) said Van Long Commune Coconut Cake Cooperative Group started operation in 2013 with only 7 female workers and VND20 million capital from the job creation funding. The business has expanded production to other localities, namely Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang City, Cam Ranh City and the provinces of Phu Yen, Gia Lai, Dak Lak and Lam Dong. Currently, the group provides stable jobs for more than 30 female workers with an average monthly income of VND2.5-3 million/person. In the coming time, the group will invest in more equipment together with promoting products and expanding consumption markets.

According to Chairperson of Khanh Hoa Women's Union Nguyen Quynh Nga, the Provincial Women's Union will continue boosting advanced scientific and technological innovation and application in production and life; promoting self-confidence, creativity and dynamism to further develop women’s business start-up.

Implementing the project 939, over the past 9 months, the Union at all levels has cooperated with agencies and localities to open 10 business skill courses for members, introduced 40 female entrepreneurs to take part in OCOP product exhibitions and fairs; sent 150 officials and members to join workshops within Techfest 2022 for the Southern Central Region and the Highlands; remained the operation of 2 existing collectives and production groups; cooperated with vocational schools and centers to open cooking, knitting and mushroom cultivation courses for 1,434 members and recommended 1,127 members to work in companies and enterprises in the province.

Translated by N.T