10:10, 11/10/2022

Chinese public speaking contest

Vietnam - China Friendship Association held a final round of the 1st Chinese Public Speaking Contest for students at universities and colleges...

On October 8, Vietnam - China Friendship Association held a final round of the 1st Chinese Public Speaking Contest for students at universities and colleges in Khanh Hoa Province.

The contestants were judged in three categories: public speaking about friendship, talent and musical Chinese performance; and interview. 1 first, 1 second, 1 third and 2 consolation prizes were rewarded. The first prize went to a student named Vo Ngoc Tran, Nha Trang University.

The Chinese Public Speaking Contest provided an opportunity for students to meet and exchange; enhance Chinese language learning and culture understanding, contributing to strengthening the long-lasting relationship between peoples of Vietnam and China.

Translated by N.T