04:10, 24/10/2022

Collecting disposed batteries to save environment

Improperly disposed batteries have adverse effects on the environment. Therefore, Phuoc Long Ward Farmers' Association has implemented the model "collecting use batteries"...

Improperly disposed batteries have adverse effects on the environment. Therefore, Phuoc Long Ward Farmers’ Association has implemented the model “collecting used batteries", contributing to environmental protection.
Batteries contain hazardous, toxic and corrosive materials like mercury, cadmium, lithium and lead, so the waste must be properly classified and collected. According to Vu Thi Nhung, Chairperson of Phuoc Long Ward Farmers’ Association, the collection of used batteries contributes to environmental protection. Therefore, the association put boxes in public places such as community cultural houses. Local residents are persuaded to throw their used batteries into such boxes to prevent exposed batteries from harming the living environment to keep the environment safe and pure.


 A  used battery collection point at   Phuoc Thanh  Residential Group's  cultural house.
The association has also propagandized about the proper disposal of used batteries via loudspeakers and meetings of farmers’ association branches. In addition, launched for nearly 1 month, the model has received consensus and backing of local residents.
Nguyen Van Tac, Phuoc Thanh Residential Group, Phuoc Long Ward said, "I willingly take used batteries to collection points and put them in the box placed at the community cultural house. This meaningful initiative of the Ward Farmers’ Association needs to be expanded."
According to Nguyen Van Tri, Chief of the Famers’ Association Branch 1, Phuoc Thai Residential Group, Phuoc Long Ward, officials have come to every home to mobilize residents to take action to respond to the environmental model. He hopes the association at all levels will launch the model effectively and widely to help raise public awareness of the hazardous waste and then lead to behavior change to save the environment.
The Ward Framer’s Association has operated 7 waste battery collection points in public places and suggested the provincial Farmers ‘Association would expand the model throughout the province and work with relevant agencies to continue with waste collection and treatment plans.
The waste battery collection model of the Ward Farmers’ Association has been advocated by local Party Committee and the government and suggested being expanded to communities, especially in such public places as markets, schools, bus-stops, etc. in order to promote the effectiveness of hazardous waste collection. Propaganda is focused for the model to remain effective and long-lasting, said Ngo Khac Thinh, Chairman of Phuoc Long Ward People’s Committee.
Translated by N.T