11:10, 31/10/2022

Over 500 video clip entries to Online English Contest

Khanh Hoa Provincial Comrade Associate is organizing Online English Contest 2022 to provide an opportunity for children, teens and members of the Young Pioneer detachments' steering boards in the province to practice and improve English language skills...

Khanh Hoa Provincial Comrade Associate is organizing Online English Contest 2022 to provide an opportunity for children, teens and members of the Young Pioneer detachments’ steering boards in the province to practice and improve English language skills.

According to Pham Ngoc Hai, Standing Deputy Secretary of Khanh Hoa Youth Union, Vice-Chairman of Provincial Comrade Association, the contest launched by the Provincial Comrade Association is designed to improve children and teens’ English proficiency, create a playground for practicing English language, promote reading culture and honor cultural values; effectively implement the campaign "Khanh Hoa children emulate to follow the 5 lessons taught by Uncle Ho" and boost play-based learning among children.

The contest is open to young pioneers and members of Young Pioneers Organization’ steering boards from Young Pioneer detachments in the province; children studying and joining activities at provincial and district-level children’s houses.

The contest has 3 rounds: qualifying, English speaking camp and final round. The qualifying lasted from October 10 to 27. Contestants create video clips, 3 to 5 minutes long, covering such topics as “My favorite teacher” (for primary school kids); “Memorable moments, valuable memories with my teachers” (for junior high school children) or video clips of singing and storytelling in English praising teachers, friends or stories about teaching and learning.

The organizing board will select 30 out of video clip entries with the most votes online on the fanpages of the Provincial Youth Union, Comrade Associate and Children’s House. 1 vote is counted 1 score and  1 share is equivalent to 2 scores. The total sores consists of 50% of scoring from voters online and 50% from the examiners’ scoring. The best 20 video clips are chosen to participate the English camp and the final round.

At the English camp, the contestants are divided into teams participating in group games using English language. The organizers evaluate their English skills and operational skills. In the final round, the contestants give their performance and show their talents on the stage. The scoring consists of 10% of online voting points, 30% of results of activities at the English camp and 60% of points given by the judges in the final round.

More than 500 video clips had been submitted by October 27. The best video clips are chosen to be uploaded for online voting from October 30. The English language camp is scheduled to take place at Hoa Thanh Eco-tourism Site in Cam Lam District on November 5. The final round and award ceremony is due to be held at Au Lac Thinh Convention Center (Nha Trang City) on November 6.

There are first, second and third prizes for 4 groups (2 groups for public speaking for primary and junior high schools; and 2 groups for performance for primary and junior high schools) together with 2 team awards presented to schools with the most contestants.

Translated by N.T