11:10, 30/10/2022

Comprehensive digital transformation focused

Digital transformation has been focused in Van Ninh District, Khanh Hoa Province, gaining satisfactory achievements...

Digital transformation has been focused in Van Ninh District, Khanh Hoa Province, gaining satisfactory achievements. In the coming time, the district will continue mobilizing the entire political system and effectively promoting resources to enhance comprehensive digital transformation.

Effective in various sectors

The district has issued many documents to direct agencies, departments and 13 communities to implement digital transformation; found digital transformation steering boards at district and commune levels; open professional training courses, set up community digital technology groups in 84 villages and residential quarters; and promote propaganda in various forms to raise public awareness. The district has achieved practical results in digital transformation.

Accordingly, local authorities have received and handled more than 1,320 administrative formalities of 25 public necessary services; updated and synchronized vaccination data, achieving 94.5%. Most schools in the district have boosted non-cash payment solutions. Nursery schools, namely Binh Minh, Van Gia, Van Luong and junior high schools such as Au Co, Van Lang and Dong Da have applied online admission process and e-teaching, built e-libraries and digitalized school equipment data.


1E-authentication of copies in Van Gia Town.

In addition, medical facilities in the district have utilized applied health care and treatment apps, namely VssID digital health insurance, electronic Communicable Disease Surveillance software. The implementation of electronic health records and the application of non-cash payment in hospital charges have created favorable conditions for residents. The District Division of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs standardized data about more than 6,300 social benefit recipients and updated identifier codes for more than 29,700 children, contributing to ensuring fast, effective and appropriate implementation of policies.

The district has also uploaded some OCOP products such as fish balls, aloe wood art and some specialties, including fish sauce, garlic and sea food on e-trading floors, contributing to introducing and promoting product values and qualities, expanding consumption markets. Besides, the district has also used BASE app, a unified platform for business administration and management, to serve the project on the North–South motorway running through the district.

As of July, the district has implemented the e-authentication of copies with the original on the National Public Service Portal at the reception section of the District People's Committee and 13 communities with more than 1,500 copies processed so far, saving costs and time during administrative procedures. In particular, in the field of finance and planning, the district has effectively applied the apps, namely Tabmis (Treasury And Budget Management Information System) and Pabmis (Project And Budget Management Information System) in management of business registration, salaries and assets to improve financial management.

Striving for comprehensive digital transformation

According to Nguyen Thanh Son, Vice-Chairman of the District People's Committee, the district has proposed about VND4.9 billion from non-business budget for the application of telecommunications and information technology at radio stations in the 6 communes of Van Binh, Van Hung, Dai Lanh, Van Long, Van Tho and Xuan Son; digital transformation in the remaining 7 communes and townships; strengthen digital transformation propaganda with all resources effectively mobilized to get involved in digital transformation; acceleration of online public services at levels 3 and 4 together with increase in operational efficiency of community digital technology groups in 2023.

The district has set goals by 2030 such as implementing synchronous and comprehensive digital transformation; developing a safe and convenient digital environment to serve production, business and daily life; focusing on the application of information technology in management and administration to improve tourism and services to turn the district into a high-class marine tourism urban area according to Resolution No. 09 by the Politburo on construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province till 2030 with a vision till 2045; developing a smart urban area to achieve the goal of becoming a type IV urban area by 2025.

Moreover, the district will apply remote medical examination and treatment apps to ease burden on medical facilities; promote health care and disease prevention based on digital technologies, use e-records, establish smart hospitals which integrate national health information and data. 100% of educational institutions will deploy digital technology apps, especially in management, teaching, learning and digitizing materials. The district is looking to investing in high-tech agriculture with production process, product origin and supply chain monitoring automation to ensure data transparency, food safety and hygiene; investing in a smart traffic system and so on.

Translated by N.T