12:11, 05/11/2022

Enhancing teens' safe use of social media

Nha Trang City Youth Union and Youth Federation have just held a final round of the contest on preventing misinformation harms on social media...

Nha Trang City Youth Union and Youth Federation have just held a final round of the contest on preventing misinformation harms on social media. Although first organized, the contest achieved satisfactory results, contributing to enhancing teens and adolescents' safe use of social media.

The contest had 2 rounds: online round on October 2 with 12 teams from 12 school Youth Unions in Nha Trang City. The contestants answered 20 questions related to the use of social media. 5 excellent teams, namely Ly Tu Trong, Nguyen Van Troi, Pham Van Dong, Hoang Van Thu and iSchool Nha Trang advanced to the final round.

In final round, the 5 teams were judged in three categories: multiple choice, solution to problems and acting covering the topics of social media benefits and harms; responsible use of social media to limit negative effects, etc. Multiple choice questions were about the Law on Cybersecurity, cybersecurity officials; fines and punishment for misinformation, disinformation and fake news. The teams suggested solutions to social arguments, conflicts and violence; social media addiction, exposure to inappropriate or upsetting content; Internet-based scams; etc.


Contestants' acting.


The teams brought real situations into their acting. Students at Pham Van Dong criticized some young people involving themselves in harmful behavior in order to keep up with expectations and lure ‘likes’. Hoang Van Thu School team performed a drama giving warnings about unqualified and unlicensed online therapists  'preying' on vulnerable patients.

Through the contest, Youth Union members and teenagers understand better about social media issues. Le Thao Vy, Ly Tu Trong High School Youth Union said, “I often use social media platforms such as Facebook, Tiktok and Twitter to see videos about cooking and fashion. However, sometimes, videos with inappropriate or upsetting content appear to us on social media. The contest helps me become more aware of misinformation harms and know how to protect myself from social media risks.” “I have become cautious of fake news, fraud, promotion and award scams online,” said Nguyen Hoang Minh Quan from Hoang Van Thu High School Youth Union.

According to Chu Minh Phuong, Deputy Security of Nha Trang City Youth Union, this is the first time the contest has been held to raise public awareness of social media issues, disinformation and protection skills from social media harms. At the contest, teens also expressed their knowledge about social media and how to use it properly. Besides, the organizing board also gave instructions and feedback about the solutions and replied to questions. Through the contest, the organizers know teens’ current use of social media, their knowledge about social media, resulting in more effective propaganda in the coming time. It also contributes to raising young people’s awareness of responsible use of social media, promoting benefits and preventing harmful impacts for a safe environment.

1 first, 2 second and 2 third prizes were presented. The first prize went to Nguyen Van Troi High School Youth Union;  second to the Youth Unions of Ly Tu Trong High School and Hoang Van Thu High School; third to the Youth Unions of Pham Van Dong High School and iSchool Nha Trang.

Translated by N.T