11:11, 12/11/2022

Increasing population quality in mountainous areas

The family planning and population control in mountainous and ethnic minority areas have received much concern with propaganda and various measures taken to help raise public awareness...

The family planning and population control in mountainous and ethnic minority areas have received much concern with propaganda and various measures taken to help raise public awareness. As a result, the number of couples with more than 2 children has decreased, contributing to population quality improvement.

Many women in Khanh Son District have become more aware of the two-child policy for better child care and education and living standards. Couples with more than 2 children in the district have drastically decreased, from 106 cases in 2021 to 14 in 10 months in 2022. Khanh Son District Medical Center has cooperated with local authority and population officials to encourage residents to change their ways of thinking and use modern contraceptives. Couples with 2 children have become more popular; pregnant women have received regular prenatal care checkups and accessed open vaccination and malnutrition control programs for children under 5, according to Ho Ngoc Gia, Director of Khanh Son District Medical Center.


1Population and family planning propaganda in Son Thai Commune, Khanh Vinh District.

Besides boosting propaganda, the population sector of Khanh Son District has maintained pre-marital clubs with 34 members taking part in 3 meetings/ month at the district boarding ethnic minority school. Especially, in 2021, the sector provided community-funded non-clinical contraceptive methods; reproductive health care counseling for 15 groups, family planning for 980 people; propaganda for 1,456 people, contributing to raising public awareness of population and family planning. Cao Thi Lien, a member of a pre-marital club said, “Joining the pre-marital club, I know more about reproductive health care.”

According to Le Thi Kim Lien, Deputy Director of Khanh Vinh District Medical Center, in charge of population and family planning Division, the district has boosted propaganda integrated with consultancy at village meetings, open vaccination drives; promote population and family planning propaganda among couples of reproductive age, contributing to a gradual drop in couples giving birth to their third child or more.

Since the beginning of the year, 20 couples giving birth to a third child or more have been reported, down by 10 compared with the year 2021. 30-year-old Cao Thi Ly, Hon Du Village, Khanh Nam Commune, said, “thanks to reproductive health care propaganda and consultancy, I understand the benefits of having less children for better health care and family economic development.”

According to Tran Thi Kim Oanh, Chief of Khanh Hoa Division of Population and Family Planning, Khanh Hoa Population sector has implemented various models and projects to improve population quality in the districts of Khanh Son and Khanh Vinh such as prenatal and neonatal screening; pre-marital health care consultancy; community-based health care consultancy for the elderly; and intervention to minimize child marriage. Encouraging results have been gained.  

In the coming time, in order to improve the population quality in ethnic minority areas, the provincial population sector will continue coordinating with medical centers and stations in communes and townships to promote propaganda for the Law on Marriage and Family and reproductive health care; and raise the role of highly reputable people in ethnic minority communities in propaganda campaigns to abolish backward customs, especially child marriage and consanguine marriage.

Translated by N.T