10:11, 12/11/2022

Tourism safety and security scheme issued

Nha Trang City people's Committee has just issued a scheme on social safety and security for tourism activities, period 2022-2030...

Nha Trang City people’s Committee has just issued a scheme on social safety and security for tourism activities, period 2022-2030.


The project is designed to raise public awareness of tourism safety and security; responsibility to ensure safety and security for tourism activities, promote Nha Trang tourism brand; enhance the State management over sustainable tourism development, increase job security and social stability; boost the application of information technology in State management over social security; prompt response to tourists’ claims related to social security on mass media.


The scheme focuses on major issues such as safe environment for tourism activities; social safety, crime prevention; investment appeal to improve the quality of tourism products, and promotion of local tourism development. The solutions include propaganda; the State management over tourism activities; crime prevention and control; foreign labor management and coordination with related units.


The scheme has a total cost of VND3.8 billion in 2 periods, including VND1.65 billion in 2022 - 2025 and VND2.15 billion in 2026 - 2030.

Translated by N.T