10:02, 28/02/2023

Charity clinic for the poor

On February 27, many patients arrived at A. Yersin charity clinic (11 Sinh Trung, Nha Trang City, Nha Trang City) for free medical check-ups and medications...

On February 27, many patients arrived at (11 Sinh Trung, Nha Trang City, Nha Trang City) for free medical check-ups and medications. The medical activity has been held twice a week for the past 30 years, serving the medical needs of the poor and vulnerable.

Serving those most in need

Early in the morning, A. Yersin charity clinic was crowded with patients waiting for their turns to get medical examination by health professionals from Khanh Hoa General Hospital and Pasteur Nha Trang Institute.

74-year-old Nguyen Ba Cu, 2-4 Street, Nha Trang, said, “My health has been poor and worsening, resulting from a stroke 20 years ago. I’m living alone in financial hardship. 7 years ago, I was introduced to A.Yersin Charity Clinic. Since then, I have come here every week to receive free medical examination and medicines. The doctors and nurses here are very dedicated and enthusiastic."


Medicines are given to patients free of charge.

Tran Thi Ly, a lottery ticket seller said, "I feel sick these days under the weather but I still try to work to earn a living. Passing by here by chance this morning, I still got medical examination and medicines free of charge although I hadn’t registered.”

This meaningful work brought not only happiness to patients but also special emotions to doctors and nurses. First-degree Specialist Doctor Hoang Huu Danh, Pasteur Nha Trang Institute said, “This is my first time I have joined the charity medical examination. The health check-ups are completely free, benefiting the disadvantaged in society. I am happy that I can contribute to this meaningful activity."


1Pasteur Nha Trang Institute's health professionals join the charity check-ups.

Journey of benevolence

30 years ago, Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee approved the foundation of A. Yersin charity clinic under the Association of Admirers of Dr. Alexandre Yersin. The clinic is open on Mondays and Fridays for free examination and medicine for the disadvantaged. The clinic has 4 full-time staff (1 doctor, 1 nurse, 1 pharmacist and 1 receptionist) working on a voluntary basis without receiving any payment.

20-30 patients are served on an average every time the clinic opens. On special occasions such as the 30th foundation anniversary, the number of patient arrivals increase up to 70 – 100, then the clinic needs assistance in human resources for the examination from Khanh Hoa General Hospital and Pasteur Nha Trang Institute, according to Dong Luong Son, Chairman of the Association of Admirers of Dr. Alexandre Yersin.

Helping the elderly after being examined and given medicines.

Apart from medical examination and medication, the Association of Admirers of Dr. Alexandre Yersin has also provided aid for severe parents for health treatment. The charity work has helped expand Dr. Alexandre Yersin’s kindness and compassion highly appreciated by local authorities and residents for 30 years. Many individuals and organizations have also provided financial support for the charity work such as Khanh Viet Corporation, Vingroup’s Thien Tam Fund, Lien Minh Group (Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province) and benefactors at home and abroad. Besides, the clinic has also received cooperation and support from several doctors and nurses from the Provincial General Hospital and Pasteur Institute Nha Trang in attempt to assist more and more patients in need.

G.D – V.T
Translated by N.T