10:02, 25/02/2023

English Speaking Contest for junior high school students

Thai Nguyen Junior High School in Nha Trang City held the final round of English Speaking Contest, school year 2022 – 2023...

Thai Nguyen Junior High School in Nha Trang City held the final round of English Speaking Contest, school year 2022 – 2023 on February 24. The final night included 8 finalists' performances of speaking, singing, story telling and acting in English chosen from 58 presentations.
Besides, there was a musical exchange show by students from the junior high schools of Le Thanh Liem, Cao Ba Quat, Nguyen Khuyen and Nguyen Cong Tru in Nha Trang City.
2 first, 2 second, 2 third and 2 consolation prizes were awarded.


Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tu, Deputy Chief of Nha Trang City Division of Education & Training offers flowers to 4 schools paticipating in the exchange program.


Public speaking presentation.
A jury member gives a question to contestants.


Singing an English song.
Acting in English.
Translated by N.T