09:02, 28/02/2023

Improving community health

In spite of difficulties, medical staff in Khanh Hoa Province have made constant effort as a frontline in a Covid-19 prevention and control and community health care for socio-economic recovery and development...

In spite of difficulties, medical staff in Khanh Hoa Province have made constant effort as a frontline in a Covid-19 prevention and control and community health care for socio-economic recovery and development.

Epidemic prevention and control boost

 In 2022, thanks to great effort of the entire political system, Covid-19 pandemic was basically under control in Khanh Hoa with Covid-19 deaths lower than many other cities and provinces nationwide and high Covid-19 vaccination coverage reaching 3.4 million doses.

The provincial health sector fulfilled the national target program with outstanding achievements. Specifically, in 2022, Nha Trang City and Cam Ranh City eliminated dengue at district level. More than 76,100 people were examined for tuberculosis with the recovered reaching 94.6%. The number of patients failing to take a full course of treatment was at a low rate (1.8%). As for HIV/AIDS prevention and control, the whole province recorded 135 new cases, down by 37.8%; the number of AIDS-related deaths decreased by 46.2% compared to 2021.


Surgery at Khanh Hoa General Hospital.

The health sector provided screening and early detection of cardiovascular diseases at 17 health stations of communes, wards and townships; hypertension screening for 17,000 people over 40 in the community; assessed the risk of diabetes for more than 8,000 people in 20 communes, wards and townships; cervical cancer screening for more than 5,700 women; leprosy examination for more than 98,000 people; examination and detection of occupational diseases for more than 19,000 workers; collected 3,700 samples for newborn blood spot (heel prick) testing.

In addition, the health sector well implemented activities to improve child malnutrition. Accordingly, the rate of underweight children under 5 decreased by 0.26% in 2022, and stunted kids down by 0.28% compared to the previous year; the rate of children fully vaccinated in the open immunization program reaching more than 97%…

Improving treatment quality

The medical sector continued effectively implementing epidemic prevention and control tasks; fulfilled preventive health care targets. In 2022, health facilities provided medical check-ups and treatment for over 2.5 million patients, up by 4.1%; 200,000 inpatients, up by 14.9%; and conduced nearly 27,500 surgeries. With 36 patient beds per 10,000 population; 11 doctors per 10,000 population (8 doctors per 10,000 population as regulated); 93.7% people covered by medical insurance.

Apart from investment in equipment and human resources, the achievements were thanks to medical transfer for several years. Khanh Hoa Provincial General Hospital well assumed the role of medical transfer to lower levels, including emergency-Intensive care; patella fracture surgeries, laparoscopy, ‘Kangaroo mother care’ for early and low birth-weight babies.

The Provincial General Hospital also successfully received and implemented many intensive techniques such as knee and shoulder joint arthroscopy; brain surgery, treatment of congenital malformations; percutaneous nephrolithotomy, microwave therapy of tumors.

Khanh Hoa General Hospital has ensured medical treatment and received technical transfer from the upper level, leading experts locally and regionally; as well as sent doctors to attend intensive training courses to improve professional development, helping to raise treatment quality and save patients’ travel cost, according to Dr. Phan Huu Chinh, Director of Khanh Hoa General Hospital.

The health care sector has set duties in 2023 to continue improving population quality, ensuring  community health care, boosting international cooperation; developing community participation and calling investment in high technical specialized hospitals and improving grassroots facilities in terms of equipment and human resources with the orientation to build Khanh Hoa  General Hospital as the largest hospital in the South Central Coastal region.

In 2022, the province's health sector had 1 individual awarded the Third-class Labor Medal by the President for outstanding achievements in scientific research. 3 individuals received certificates of merit by the Prime Minister. The Provincial People's Committee awarded emulation flags to 3 agencies, awarded the title of "Excellent Labor Collective" to 57 groups; and presented certificates of merit to 15 groups and 22 individuals.

Translated by N.T