03:02, 08/02/2023

2,151 youth eagerly join 2023 army

The 2023 see-off ceremonies for 2,151 newly-recruited soldiers have just taken place in Khanh Hoa Province today on February 8...

The 2023 see-off ceremonies for 2,151 newly-recruited soldiers have just taken place in Khanh Hoa Province today on February 8. Of those, 1,850 are to take military tasks and 301 to assume people’s public security responsibilities.

Khanh Hoa leaders were present at the event, encouraging the youth to fulfill their responsibilities.  All the recruits were eager and proud to join the army for military service and national defense.


1Nguyen Hai Ninh, Central Party Committee Member, Secretary of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee offers flowers to a newly-recruit at the see-off ceremony.

Translated by N.T