04:02, 14/02/2023

Environmental protection efforts

Nha Trang Bay Management Board Veterans' Association officials and members have fulfilled their duties, especially in rescue operations and environmental protection...

Nha Trang Bay Management Board Veterans’ Association officials and members have fulfilled their duties, especially in rescue operations and environmental protection.

Drowning response and rescue

Nha Trang Bay Management Board Veterans’ Association has 15 officials and members. The Association has well implemented annual programs and work plans; deployed the emulation campaign themed “Nha Trang Bay Management Board veterans excellently fulfill duties". According to Tran Van Phu, Chairman of Veterans’ Association, Chief of Wharf Management Office, Nha Trang Bay Management Board, the most prominent role of the association is to rescue and protect the natural resources and environment.


1Veterans’ Association members urge swimmers to be cautious in water.


The association has 10 officials and members joining the beach rescue team. Some members have taken the work for almost 20 years. Over  the past 5 years, the rescue team members have saved nearly 50 from drowning at the beach every year. During the Lunar New Year 2023 holiday, the members rescued 5 cases.

A member named Doan Phi Nhan said, “to ensure human safety, we understand that the highest responsibility is to save lives. We need to have swimming and first aid skills.”

As an experienced member of the beach rescue team for nearly 20 years, Doan Phi Nhan didn’t remember how many lives he had saved from drowning. The most recent was on the fifth day of the lunar new year when he rescued a person (from Dak Lak) being swept 40m away from the shore.

Besides the responsibility and skills, Veterans’ Association members are also very creative in performing duties like designing life buoy tubes with long ropes to pull victims, helping save cost in equipment and improve rescue.

"More than ten years ago, an Australian organization provided rescue training and offered over 10 life buoy tubes which have proved to be simple but very effective. Since then, we have learnt to make the life-saving equipment ourselves for use,” he added.

Environmental protection

In addition, Veterans’ Association members are always eager in environmental protection activities, boosting propaganda among tourists and locals; and organizing trash collection on the beach and at sea. Especially, in the 2 recent years, the Association has developed a model “Environmentally-friendly dustbins” at the tourist port, contributing to raising environmental protection awareness to keep the tourist port clean and tidy.

According to Huynh Binh Thai, Chief of Nha Trang Bay Management Board, Veterans’ Association members are the core force of the board, taking the leadership and performing a variety of tasks. They have promoted the tradition of "Uncle Ho's soldiers", dynamic and creative, contributing to building a comprehensively strong unit and successfully completing political tasks; participating effectively in emulation campaigns launched by higher-level organizations and localities.

Translated by N.T