01:02, 26/02/2023

Several volunteer activities in Youth Month

The Communist Youth Union organizations have made plans to organize various practical and meaningful activities in response to the coming Youth Month 2023 (March) themed "Khanh Hoa youth pioneer in digital transformation"...

The Communist Youth Union organizations have made plans to organize various practical and meaningful activities in response to the coming Youth Month 2023 (March) themed “Khanh Hoa youth pioneer in digital transformation”.

According to Tran Anh Tuan, Secretary of Khanh Hoa Youth Union, in the coming Youth Month 2023, there are several activities related to the application of digital transformation into youth activities. Regarding propaganda and education, the Provincial Youth Union and affiliations will build digital maps, digitize documents, artifacts, information about historical landmarks and upload them to Vietnamese youth app; boost the application of information technology, take full advantage of modern tools, media and social networks to promote digital transformation in education through such activities as building a synchronous website and fanpage system of all Youth Union affiliations; increase interactions about youth work on social media; develop positive trends on social networks; design digital propaganda toolkits; coordinate with agencies and enterprises to apply Big Data Technology; make reports and conduct surveys on cyberspace on issues of interest of Youth Union members and young people and trend forecasts.

Regarding volunteering activities, the Youth Month will be marked with many activities such as assistance for digital transformation, application of advanced science and technologies in agricultural production, mobilization of volunteer resources through digital financial platforms together with building websites and fanpages to connect volunteering; managing and operating volunteer activities through Internet-based information and communication platforms; mobilizing young people to join community digital technology groups; establishing and deploying youth digital technology groups in schools, agencies, businesses and industrial parks.

Besides main activities based on the theme, other outstanding volunteering activities will basically continue being implemented in all sectors. The Youth Union will organize activities to help disadvantaged communities; support new rural construction, protect the environment and improve adaptation to climate change such as planting trees on roads and developing waste classification and treatment models.

In accompanying and supporting young people with business start-up, the Youth Union will promote the foundation and support of economic development link models with the focus on establishing cooperatives, youth economic clubs; motivating young people to develop economic models in the service sector based on the application of scientific and technological achievements towards building a green and environmentally friendly economy.

The Provincial Youth Union has issued a plan to deploy the Youth Month. Accordingly, Provincial Youth Unions of districts and towns and affiliations are asked to select and develop appropriate models and activities. At the provincial level, the Provincial Youth Union will organize many activities such as online knowledge contest "370 years of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province"; video clip contest about the destination of Khanh Hoa; volunteering medical trip to villages and meals for ethnic minorities in Dien Tan Commune (Dien Khanh District); Provincial Creative Youth Contest 2023; the launching of the Youth Startup Support Center and Khanh Hoa Youth Support Portal, etc.

The launching ceremony for the Youth Month is scheduled to take place in Khanh Hoa on February 26. The provincial Youth Union will host the online event to monitor and respond to the launching ceremonies of districts, towns and affiliations.

The provincial Youth Union has chosen 4 peak days of the Youth Month. Specifically, March 18 is for providing assistance for residents with online public service; March 19 for Green Sunday activities, volunteering for new rural construction; March 26 for activities marking the 92nd foundation anniversary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; March 29 for celebrating the 370th  anniversary of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province.


Translated by N.T