11:03, 23/03/2023

Boosting international cooperation in health care

Implementing the Resolution No. 09 by the Politburo on construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province till 2030 with a vision till 2045, Khanh Hoa health sector has set some important criteria with measures focusing on boosting international cooperation...

Implementing the Resolution No. 09 by the Politburo on construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province till 2030 with a vision till 2045, Khanh Hoa health sector has set some important criteria with measures focusing on boosting international cooperation.

According to Le Van Khoa, Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Department of Health, implementing the Resolution No. 09 by the Politburo, main criteria and measures set by the Department of Health include by 2025, the average life expectancy of people in the province reaching about 74.5 years and the average healthy life expectancy being  67 years; 33.5 patient beds per 10,000 population, 10 doctors per 10,000 population, 95% people covered by medical insurance; by 2030, the average life expectancy of people in the province reaching about 75 years, the average healthy life expectancy being  68 years, 34  patient beds per 10,000 population, 11 doctors per 10,000 population and 98% people covered by medical insurance.


1Eye surgery at Khanh Hoa General Hospital.

To fulfill the criteria, the health sector will focus on building a quality, effective and sustainable provincial health system; improve access to health care services, sustainably improve basic health indicators, innovate payment methods for medical services in order to encourage reasonable and effective medical service supply and promote digital transformation in the health sector.

The medical sector will continue expanding the preventive medicine network, grassroots health care and a comprehensive, medical service network, striving that all health stations in communes and wards have doctors towards the orientation to build Khanh Hoa  General Hospital as the largest hospital with modern equipment and intensive medical resources in the South Central Coastal region; complete the construction of the Oncology Hospital, Yersin Nha Trang General Hospital, Provincial Hospital of Traditional Medicine and Rehabilitation together with mechanisms and policies for the development of private hospitals, especially specialized ones.

Besides, the sector will coordinate with related units to ensure entire population obtain health insurance coverage; effectively implement the health content in the national target programs for the period 2021-2025 (new rural construction, sustainable poverty reduction and socio-economic development in mountainous and ethnic minority areas); promote intensive training in traditional medicine; have mechanisms and policies to attract high-skilled health workers; develop human resources in health care at grassroots level, in preventive medicine, etc.

International cooperation in health care is critical to narrow the gap in accessing and developing advanced treatment techniques, helping the provincial health sector to well implement Resolution No. 09 of the Politburo. Currently, there are 28 affiliations, including 3 provincial general hospitals, 6 provincial specialized hospitals, 9 provincial preventive units, 8 district health centers (managing 14 general clinics, 136 medical stations of communes, ward and 15 medical sub-stations). In addition to public hospitals, there are Military Medical Hospital 87 and private hospitals, namely Vinmec International General Hospital, Tam Tri Nha Trang Hospital, Saigon Nha Trang Eye Hospital, Saigon Nha Trang General Hospital, Hospital 22-22 with nearly 9,250 health workers, including nearly 1,380 doctors, 49% of whom have postgraduate qualifications.

With Khanh Hoa Province’s existing potentials and based on health development orientation to 2030 and vision to 2045, the Department of Health is boosting and calling for international cooperation in the following areas: medical tourism; human resource training for the project that the Provincial General Hospital becomes the largest in the South Central Coastal region; advanced intensive techniques in some fields such as cardiology, orthopedic trauma, oncology...; human resource training in hospital management, operation and clinical pharmacy, etc.

Translated by N.T