06:03, 21/03/2023

Numerous Youth Union programs and activities

To promote the youth's enthusiasm, several activities are being held to mark the  370th anniversary of Khanh Hoa construction and development (1653-2023) and 48th anniversary of Khanh Hoa Province's Liberation Day of (April 2, 1975 - 2023)...



To promote the youth’s enthusiasm, several activities are being held to mark the  370th anniversary of Khanh Hoa construction and development (1653-2023) and 48th anniversary of Khanh Hoa Province’s Liberation Day of (April 2, 1975 - 2023).

Khanh Hoa Youth Union jointly with Khanh Hoa Provincial Historical Science Association organized an online research contest "370 years of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province" for officials, union members, youth and people living, studying and working at home and abroad. The contest was livestreamed on Khanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union’s Facebook, allowing participants interact with the MC and give answers to online poll questions.


1Van Ninh District Youth Union inaugurates youth work on digitizing documents about documents about Phu Cang Communal Temple, a national cultural and historical monument.


Tran Anh Tuan, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union said that each broadcast lasted about 1 hour, the MC read 10 questions with multiple choice. The questions were about the 370-year history of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province; the renovation of the country and Khanh Hoa Province, landmarks, monuments, customs, festivals, scenic spots, etc. Through 3 broadcasts, the contest attracted more than 37,000 interactions answering questions and receiving prizes from the Organizing Board.

Besides the contests, Khanh Hoa Youth Union has issued a plan to implement responding activities. They include Khanh Hoa video clip contest, school singing contest “Proud of Khanh Hoa”, football matches for Youth Union cadres, festival “Youth colors of the Land of Aloe Wood”. The Youth Union at all levels will organize many programs with practical activities in response to the Youth Month from now to April.

In Cam Lam District, youth projects are also focused to be more effective and practical. In addition to participating in activities organized by the Provincial Youth Union, the District Youth Union has been implementing 3 youth projects, including 2 playgrounds for children at Suoi Tan Primary School and Cam Hai Tay Primary School; a flower road work worth VND30 million in Cam An Nam Commune. At the commune level, the Youth Union facilities also have many responding activities such as Football tournament for union officials, environmental days and so on, according to Tran Nhat Luan, Secretary of Cam Lam District Youth Union.

Vo Dinh Chau, Secretary of Van Ninh District Union said that the District Youth Union had just inaugurated a community fitness area worth VND90 million at Van Gia Town beach park; implementing a youth project on digitizing documents about Phu Cang Communal Temple, a national cultural and historical monument (Van Phu Commune). In the near future, the unit will continue boosting coordination to implement and inaugurate the youth project of lighting up rural roads with green energy; implementing a clean water filtration system at Nguyen Trung Truc High School; organizing a school singing contest, etc. Grassroots Youth affiliations will organize appropriate activities based on actual conditions.

Apart from the activities, propaganda has been boosted among Youth Union members, young people and locals about the history of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province administrative territory; ancestors’ contribution to the history and development of Khanh Hoa land; traditional historical, revolutionary and cultural values of Khanh Hoa homeland and people during the past 370 years; socio-economic achievements, national defense and security; Party building work in recent years, especially in more than 35 years of renovation, helping to attract locals and young people to get involved in and respond to activities celebrating 370 years of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province.

Translated by N.T