11:03, 31/03/2023

Rewarding youth projects

Several volunteering youth projects have been competed and under way in disadvantaged communities in coastal, mountainous and remote areas...

Several volunteering youth projects have been competed and under way in disadvantaged communities in coastal, mountainous and remote areas in March, showing the youth's enthusiasm, bringing practical effectiveness to local residents.

Lighting up roads

The road lighting system with 15 solar-powered lamp posts has been installed, facilitating travel and improving security at night in Tan Phuoc Bac Village. “I rarely went out at night because it was dark here. With the new road lights, villagers are happy and feel safe doing some physical exercise and having fun games outdoors at night, ,” said a resident named Nguyen Huu Loi.


1Road lighting system installed by the local Youth Union in Tan Phuoc Bac Village, Van Phuoc Commune, van Ninh District.

1km of the coastal road in Tan Phuoc Dong Village, Van Phuoc Commune has just also just been lit up thanks to volunteers’ generous donation of their time and labor. Nguyen Hoai Chi, Head of Tan Phuoc Dong Village said, “It’s hard to mobilize funding for the road lighting in such a disadvantaged community. Thanks to support of the district Youth Union members and volunteers, the road lighting is so helpful for us, especially at night on rainy days when we get ashore from fishing trips.”

Building playgrounds

The newly-installed outdoor recreational equipment such as see-saws, swings, slides, etc have brought so much joy to children at Suoi Tan Primary School, Suoi Tan Commune, Cam Lam District. Children rush out to the game structures at break time. As too many children gather around the game facilities, the school has divided the children into groups to take turns to play the games to ensure safety.


Playground at Suoi Tan Primary School.

Such playgrounds are beneficial and valuable to kids in remote disadvantaged areas. From the financial contribution of the youth and community funding, the district Youth Union has implemented the playground project for kids, according to Tran Nhat Luan, Secretary of Cam Lam District Youth Union.

Nguyen Thi Mai Huyen, Vice-Principal of Suoi Tan Primary School said, “I am so happy to see children having fun with the play structures. Kids in disadvantaged areas are still lacking access to many essential services. With the support of the Youth Union to build the new play area, children have more entertainment opportunities."

Reportedly, in March, Van Ninh District Youth  Union has also jointly implemented work on playground games with a total cost of VND170 million, providing recreational space for kids on the island village. Simply swinging high and racing down the slide has brought much fun to kids.

Volunteering expands

Several youth constructions have been completed and put into operation this March. Khanh Vinh District Youth Union has held series of activities to mark the 92nd foundation anniversary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26, 1931-2023).


1Khanh Hoa Youth Union jointly with Khanh Vinh District People’s Committee launches the Tree-Planting Festival in Khanh Hiep Commune, Khanh Vinh District.

Cao Xuan Thoai, Secretary of the district Youth Union and young people are busy preparing for inauguration of the VND60 million work on lighting up rural roads jointly implemented by the district Youth Union and Khanh Viet Cooperation in Son Thanh Village, Khanh Phu Commune, Khanh Vinh District; and playgrounds at Suoi Tan Primary School in Cam Hai Tay Commune, Cam Lam District. The constructions are scheduled to finish this April to help more kids get entertained.

According  to Tran Anh Tuan, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, this Youth Month, the Provincial Youth Union at all levels has organized several practical and rewarding projects, meeting local needs. They include rural road lighting, playgrounds for kids, livelihood assistance for disadvantaged young people in rural areas, etc. apart from many gifts offered to local residents and children in disadvantaged communities.

With the youth’s enthusiasm promoted in the Youth Month and in celebration of the 370th anniversary of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province, young people in Khanh Hoa have joined volunteering for the community’s sake, contributing to ensuring security and socio-economic growth.

Translated by N.T