07:03, 29/03/2023

Spreading love and care for the needy

Over the past years, Khanh Hoa Province has focused on developing professional social work, contributing to spreading care, love and improving local social security...

Over the past years, Khanh Hoa Province has focused on developing professional social work, contributing to spreading care and love for the needy and improving local social security.
Sharing burdens with the disadvantaged
In mid-March, the mission of Khanh Hoa Provincial Nursing and Care Center for Policy Beneficiaries and Social Work and Holt International Children’s Services visited the family of Pham Thi Huong in Suoi Hiep Commune, Dien Khanh District. Her family is in adversity with two of three children suffering from cerebral palsy. She had to stay at home taking care of the children and her husband earned money from scrapping.
Unfortunately, misfortunes came again when her husband died in a traffic accident, leaving the wife and children behind with the whole family’s burden. With the help from her 70-year-old mom to care for the children at home, she collects scraps to earn a living.
Representatives of  Khanh Hoa Provincial Nursing and Care Center for Policy Beneficiaries and Social Work give grants to  the family of Pham Thi Huong.
The Provincial Nursing and Care Center for Policy Beneficiaries and Social Work  has connected with the Holt International Children’s Services provided livelihood assistance, VND5 million, for her capital for her scraping. “The aid helps me a lot in my work to increase income to take care of the children.”
Nguyen Thi Kim Loan, Suoi Hiep Commune is also in a severe hardship. After her husband' death in a traffic accident in 2021, she has become the only breadwinner in the family of four, including her two children and old parents without pensions. With a VND65 million salary, she is struggling to make ends meet. Thanks to 5.3 million aid for her child named Nguyen Phuc Lam from the Holt International Children’s Services, she has invested in poultry farming. “I will try to develop the faming to increase income to support my children’s schooling”.
Contributing to ensuring social security
According to Tran Thi Ngoc Thuy, Director of the Provincial Nursing and Care Center for Policy Beneficiaries and Social Work, over the past years, the center has provided link to help many cases in need. Thanks to the financial assistance from the Holt International Children’s Services, the center has implemented four projects for children and single moms to cover childcare, study expense and livelihood assistance.
Since 2015, the center has provided link to help 1,355 people with a total aid of over VND1 billion. The financial support has helped many families to improve earning and care for children at risk of school dropout and single moms to overcome difficulties.
In addition, the center has implemented assistance models for tuberculosis patients. Since 2018, the model has provided nutrition and treatment consultancy services and granted medical insurance and livelihood assistance worth VND500 million/ year for more than 200 patients of tuberculosis. Besides, every year, the center provides consultancy about social work, livelihood, marriage, family and work in person and via phone for over 300 cases of policy beneficiaries. Especially, with professional social workers, the center has provided access to many cases in need of emergency such as family violence, ADN testing support to find family members, heart surgery and so on.
According to Nguyen Thanh Son, Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids & Social Work, thanks to Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee, there is at least one social worker each ward and commune. Most public social establishments have social workers. In addition, the propaganda to improve public awareness of social work has been focused. Every year, several social work training courses are held to provide professional information and skills. The Department has built four social work models. The development of social work in Khanh Hoa Province has contributed to ensuring social security and helping many to overcome difficulties and move forward.
Translated by N.T