11:03, 14/03/2023

University enrolment consultancy programs help learners figure out suitable specialties for abilities and interests

Choosing the most suitable university is the most concern of twelfth-graders when the university admission season comes...

Choosing the most suitable university is the most concern of twelfth-graders when the university admission season comes. Admission consultancy programs have just been held by universities and newspapers to help learners choose suitable majors for their abilities and interests.  

Variety of information channels

High school students in the province had opportunities to directly access enrollment information through a number of programs recently held such as Tuoi Tre Newspaper's 2023 Recruitment and Career Counseling; Thanh Nien Newspaper's exam season consultancy; counseling programs organized by universities at high schools; and university study tours jointly organized by high schools and universities. These activities were also posted on Facebook, YouTube, Tiktok... creating  diverse information channels for high-schoolers.


Raising questions at the Tuoi Tre Newspaper's 2023 Recruitment and Career Counseling in Khannh Hoa.

Getting involved in such programs, high-schoolers were informed by experts about the high school graduation exam and the admission to universities and colleges in 2023; meet face-to-face educational experts; learn more about the majors and admission methods at universities and colleges, job opportunities, the most in-demand industries; as well as listen to university valedictorians share their experience in exam preparation and learning methods at university.

Apart from giving advice related to choosing university specialties suitable for leaners’ abilities, interests, budgets and labor demand, experts also provided counseling for those unable to attend university. This was also an opportunity for universities to promote their training courses to attract students.

Orientation for learners

At the admission consultancy programs, learners raised a lot of questions related to in-demand careers, specialties meeting the digital trend, tuitions, choice of suitable specialties for abilities and interests, etc.

At the exam season counseling program recently organized by Thanh Nien Newspaper in collaboration with other agencies at Nha Trang University recently, answering questions about employment after graduation, PhD. Ha Thuc Vien, Vice-Principal of Viet Duc University (Binh Duong Province) said essential knowledge and skills are important for students to get good job opportunities. Together with basic knowledge and skills acquired at universities, learners need more training to be qualified for specific jobs.

“I want to study tourism but I’m wondering if the career is still in demand when I finish my 4-year course at university,” asked Le Thi My Ha, a student at Ton Duc Thang High School, Ninh Hoa Town. PhD. Nguyen Minh Anh, Director of  International Cooperation Institute, Director of the Center for General Education and Innovation, University of the Pacific Ocean replied, “All careers experience change. When we get professionally well-prepared at the present, all the change is not definitely an obstacle.”

In the enrollment counseling program recently organized by Tuoi Tre Newspaper and other agencies, Master Hoang Thuy Nga, Senior Specialist of the Higher Education Department (Ministry of Education and Training) said that universities have various admission methods together with assessment based on high school graduation exams, high school records, competency assessment tests, aptitude tests, foreign language certificates and so on. Students need to get enrollment information about training courses, quality assurance programs, tuition fees, admission methods... to choose appropriate specialties to study.

Associate Professor, PhD. Ngo Dang Nghia, senior lecturer at Nha Trang University advised that learners should carefully consider the choice of majors and schools, adding  that choosing a career is an important decision that will definitely a lasting effect on our lives. If you make the right choices, we can become excellent people.

Translated by N.T