04:07, 07/07/2015

Evolvement in sports movement in Van Ninh District

Although having being faced many financial difficulties, Van Ninh District (Khanh Hoa) has organized many useful sports playgrounds which have helped to promote the sports movement in the district through the form of socialization.

Although having being faced many financial difficulties, Van Ninh District (Khanh Hoa) has organized many useful sports playgrounds which have helped to promote the sports movement in the district through the form of socialization.
From the beginning of 2015, Van Ninh District has held five sports tournaments at the district level, including badminton tournament, Chinese chess tournament, table-tennis tournament, indoor volleyball tournament and traditional cross-country tournament. 


Young players competing at Van Ninh District cross-country tournament.
Besides, the district has frequently sent its athletes to join the province-level tournaments. At the provincial karate, taekwondo, traditional martial arts, futsal tournaments, Khanh Vinh District sports delegation won four golden medals, ten silvers and ten bronzes.
The most outstanding achievement of Van Ninh sports was the championship at the provincial futsal championship held in early May 2015. This was a surprising result because at the previous tournaments, the districts teams like Van Ninh, Cam Ranh, Khanh Son, Khanh Vinh, etc. only took part in the tournament with the aim to exchange and learn experience from the teams of clubs and businesses.
According to Nguyen Truong Sinh, director of Van Ninh District Center of Culture – Sports, the quite strong development of football in general, futsal in particular together with the passion of the players significantly contributed to the victory of Van Ninh team at the 2015 provincial futsal championship. At this tournament, the district’s sports industry also received many positive supports from the sponsors and the athletes themselves.
Reportedly, the most difficult thing which Van Ninh District’s sports industry is facing is the lack of financial fund. In 2015, the district will strive to organize from 15 to 17 sports tournaments and send the district teams to join 11 provincial sports tournaments. However, the financial fund allotted is not enough to carry out all these activities; therefore, the district Center of Culture – Sports has to mobilize and call the businesses to support the activities. The supports from the benefactor are the driving force to promote the district’s sports movement.