09:01, 19/01/2017

Nha Trang's sports movement starts with chess and Chinese chess tournament for age groups

The 2017 chess and Chinese chess championships for age groups was recently organized by Nha Trang City Center of Culture and Sports, drawing attendance of many players.


The 2017 chess and Chinese chess championships for age groups was recently organized by Nha Trang City Center of Culture and Sports, drawing attendance of many players.


The sports movement tournament held in New Year occasion was joined by more than 200 chess and Chinese chess players from 32 communes, wards and schools (mostly primary schools) in Nha Trang City. According to Bao Tho, Director of the city Cultural and Sports Center, the tournament was one of the first activities to celebrate the 2017 lunar New Year in Nha Trang City. The most excellent players of the tournament are selected to join the provincial teams in order to prepare for the human chess competition taking place in lunar New Year and the provincial level chess and Chinese chess tournament held in March.
At this tournament, the participants competed in the events of individual and team. In the Chinese chess event, most of the players were the semi-professionals who used to take part in the city-level and province-level tournaments. Whereas, the chess event seemed to be the playground for the little players who were mostly primary schools pupils. This was also an opportunity for the schools to check and select players for the city’s and province’s Phu Dong Sports Festival.
Although this was only a movement playground, the tournament still attracted the attention of many pupils and their parents. “My son showed interest in chess since he was first grade pupil. Since then, we let him to join this annually-held tournament. He won a silver medal in the first attendance and achieved gold medals afterwards,” said Phan Thi Hai Ly (Phuoc Long Ward), mother of a little player who got two medals (individual and team events) at the 2017 tournament. Ly said that playing chess helped to build brain and teach children patience. Ly hoped that the chess and Chinese chess championships could be organized twice a year at convenient time for children (New Year occasion and the summer). 
Reportedly, Khanh Hoa Province has regularly maintained the movement of chess and Chinese chess. The organization of the city-level chess and Chinese chess championships for age groups is a good way to help this sport to develop stably.
Translated by H.N