03:08, 31/08/2017

Khanh Hoa: Preparation for provincial physical training and sports festival almost done

Khanh Hoa Province is making the final preparations for the provincial Eighth Physical Training and Sports Festival, a large-scale movement sport event of the province.

Khanh Hoa Province is making the final preparations for the provincial Eighth Physical Training and Sports Festival, a large-scale movement sport event of the province.
The festival is scheduled to open on September 15 with the participation of more than 2,500 players. Some events like aerobic, morning exercise, group exercise, performing martial arts with bare hands, and people forming shapes will be performed by a large number of people; therefore, these events require more preparations and practice than the other ones. 
At present, all 137 communes and wards throughout the province already organized at least five events of the festival (crossbow shooting, tug of war, rod pushing, football, athletics, etc.). Eight to ten events of district-level and town-level festivals and seven events of province-level festival were also held. 
Although having been facing many financial difficulties, the localities have managed to successfully organize enough events of the festival and improve the quality of the players. Thanks to those efforts, the quality gap among the players of the mountainous areas and plain areas has been shortened. For example, some years ago, Nha Trang used to be the only outstanding team in football event of the provincial Physical Training and Sports Festival. However, at the recent tournament of this year’s festival, the players of Ninh Hoa and Khanh Son showed their improvement and performed quite well.


Players taking part in Khanh Hoa’s 7th Physical Training and Sports Festival in 2013.
Players taking part in Khanh Hoa’s 7th Physical Training and Sports Festival in 2013.
The competitions within the framework of the 2017 festival, especially traditional martial art, also saw more spectators than the previous years. This partly reflects the progress of the sports movement in Khanh Hoa.
According to Vo Ngoc Hung, Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports, the localities over the province promoted the socialization of sports, helping the locals to have more opportunities to do physical exercise and play sports. In the past, many people in Khanh Hoa did not do physical exercise and played sports regularly partly due to lack of facilities. Nowadays, through the process of socialization, there have been more and more sports facilities provided to the people over the province. Thanks to that, the number of sports tournament and quality of the players has been improved. The football movement in schools in some localities like Nha Trang and Ninh Hoa has developed better thanks to the supports from the sponsors.
Hopefully, with careful preparations, the Eighth Physical Training and Sports Festival of Khanh Hoa will take place successfully.
Translated by H.N