11:05, 18/05/2018

Positive changes in quality of Khanh Hoa's movement sports tournaments

Since the beginning of this year, Khanh Hoa has organized five movement sports tournaments of football, futsal, karate, badminton, attracting the participation of hundreds of players from the clubs and localities over the province. These tournaments showed a positive change in quality of movement sports in Khanh Hoa.

Since the beginning of this year, Khanh Hoa has organized five movement sports tournaments of football, futsal, karate, badminton, attracting the participation of hundreds of players from the clubs and localities over the province. These tournaments showed a positive change in quality of movement sports in Khanh Hoa.
The provincial futsal tournament held in March was the first movement sports tournament of Khanh Hoa in 2018. This annual tournament has been the most anticipated one for the amateur football players in the province. This tournament has also attracted the attention of many fans of futsal. The organization committee of this year’s tournament focused more on choosing the participating teams, referees, and guards in order to improve the quality of the tournament as well as prevent aggressiveness which used to happen in the previous years’ tournaments. Thanks to the careful preparation, the quality level between teams was not much different.
The karate tournament for age groups held by the provincial Department of Culture and Sports and Nha Trang Center of Culture and Sports in early April was also highly evaluated. Reportedly, the 2018 tournament saw the participation of 145 male and female players across the province. This has also been the most number of players taking part in the tournament so far. Through this year’s tournament, the players aged from 12 to 14 performed well and were expected to be potential karate athletes of Khanh Hoa if they are trained well. 


The highlight of the movement sports from the beginning of this year in Khanh Hoa was the provincial beach football tournament. In the previous years, the finals were often the competitions between Nha Trang and other teams of the businesses or units in Nha Trang like Thanh Thanh, Quang Huy, and province’s Police. However, the 2018 tournament saw the progress of the teams from other localities. Cam Ranh overcame the strong opponents to win their first championship at the beach football tournament at provincial level.
As said by Vo Ngoc Hung, Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports, the movement sports tournaments of Khanh Hoa held since the beginning of the years showed a positive change in both quantity and quality. This will be a driving force for the province’s sports sector to continue to develop the province’s movement sports and high-achievement sports in the future. 
An Nhien
Translated by H.N